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Sommerakademie on the Wadden Sea

Jul 9, 2019
During the summer academy of the MARUM UNISchullabors pupils take samples in the Watt near Sahlenburg. Photo: MARUM – Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen; M. Pätzold
During the summer academy of the MARUM UNISchullabors pupils take samples in the Watt near Sahlenburg. Photo: MARUM – Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen; M. Pätzold

What is hidden in the tidal flats and in the mud? The Wadden Sea habitat is the focus of this year's MARUM UNISchullabor “Sommerakademie”. After taking samples in the Sahlenburger Watt on the first day, the group is now examining them in the laboratory and working on them under the main topics "Invasive species" and "Wadden Sea habitat". On Friday, 11 July, the participants will present their results in the Sparkasse am Brill.