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Science in a pub

Oct 10, 2023
From October 12 to November 16, the popular science short talks will again take place in the bars and pubs of Bremen and Bremerhaven. Photo: WFB
From October 12 to November 16, the popular science short talks will again take place in the bars and pubs of Bremen and Bremerhaven. Photo: WFB

Corals, AI in space, climate-neutral road traffic and pain in the body are the topics of the fall series of Science goes PUBlic. Scientists from Bremen institutes bring their research to pubs. It starts on Oktober 13th, 8.30 pm. An overview of participating scientists, their topics and the pubs can be found here (in German).


The series is organized and supported by the Network Science Communication in the State of Bremen.

For six weeks, at least half an hour is dedicated to research in pubs in Bremen and Bremerhaven. From MARUM, Jessica Hargreaves will be participating this fall. On Thursday, October 12 at Helga (Helgolander Str. 22, Bremen), she will explain how coral reefs reveal how the temperature has changed over the last 400 years. The talk will be in English, starting at 8:30 pm.

The hygiene concept of the individual venues applies on all evenings.

Program SCIENCE GOES PUBLIC (in German)