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Researchers from Bremen and the Netherlands strengthen cooperation

Mar 6, 2019
Declaration for Joint Research signed
Declaration for Joint Research: King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima of the Netherlands, Carsten Sieling and Alexia Sieling (back row) attend the signing; signees: Niek Lopes-Cardozo (NWO), Henk Brinkhuis (NIOZ), Anton Pijpers (University Utrecht), Michael Schulz (MARUM) and Antje Boetius (AWI).Photo: Esther Horvath

Researchers from Bremen and the Netherlands have strengthened their cooperation in coastal, marine and polar research. Scientists from the MARUM - Center for Marine Environmental Sciences at the University of Bremen, the Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI), the Royal Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), Utrecht University and the Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ) have met and signed a joint declaration.

The Dutch royal couple, who visited the federal state of Bremen, also took part. At a symposium, the researchers from Germany and the Netherlands informed King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima about their joint activities on climate change, biodiversity and nature conservation.

The scientific cooperation among the partner institutions goes back many years. "Our goal is to further expand the long-standing cooperation with our partners in Holland. Within the framework of the Cluster of Excellence 'Ocean Floor' we will carry out joint research projects and expeditions", says Michael Schulz, Director of MARUM.