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RV Heincke HE-413: 13.-22.01.2014 (Bremerhaven - Bremerhaven)

Areas of intense gas emissions are known in the Netherlands sector of the North Sea, which will be in focus of the Heincke cruise HE-413. RV HEINCKE is equipped with different echosounders (KONGSBERG EM710 & EK60) that we use to detect, map and quantify these gas emissions. Within the proposed study areas gas discharges to the water column, associated to shallow gas and condensate accumulations, occur in different intensities. We aim to quantify and chemically characterize these emissions on a regional scale using acoustic and optical techniques and gas chromatic analyses of sampled gas. During the cruise a new sonar, developed within the BmWi funded project IMGAM “Intelligentes Monitoring von klimaschädlichen CO2/CH4 Gasaustritten im Meer” shall be deployed on the AUV SeaCat. Further, an automated gas sampler will be implemented to the AUV and hydrodynamic properties of the sampling device shall be tested.

Map of the planned working area