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RV HEINCKE HE450: 25 August - 8 September 2015 (Tromsø – Tromsø)

Gas emissions at Svalbard Continental Margin

In the course of the 450th expedition with research vessel HEINCKE (HE450) we shall investigate gas emission of Vestnesa Ridge in 1,700-1,800m water depth. During past acoustic measurements at this submarine ridge always gas emissions in several pockmark structures have been observed in the water column. By means of the new MARUM ROV SQUID 2000 those gas emission sites and their environment of gas seeps shall be examined in detail. Besides a detailed mapping with photo mosaicking, we shall deploy pressure tight gas samplers in order to sample the free gas of the gas bubbles and to analyse them by means of a GC. Gas hydrate samples from the pockmarks will be taken, and measurements of methane in the dissolved gas phase of the water column above the emission sites will be done.

Work areas at western Spitsbergen continental margin.

Left: 3D-image of Vestnesa ridge according to Hustoft et al. 2009, and chimney structures of the subsurface based on seismic recording according to Bünz et al. 2012, at right side.

Chief Scientist:
Gerhard Bohrmann

Phone: +49 421 21865051
Mail: [Bitte aktivieren Sie Javascript]

ROV SQUID 2000 preparing for its first action.

View from board RV HEINCKE towards Spitsbergen coastal mountains.