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Ship cruises and field work

- January 2019: RV Poseidon POS531, Cape Blanc, Morrocan Shelf “Benthic-pelagic coupling in sandy sediments”

- September 2018: RV Maria S. Merian, FRAM and HAUSGARTEN. MSM77. “HAUSGARTEN and FRAM Long-Term Observatory”

- March 2018: RV Polarstern, Antarctic Peninsula, Southern Ocean. PS112. “POSER: Potential shift and ecosystem response – Krill vs. Salps”

- November 2017: RV Discovery, South Georgia, Southern Ocean. DY086. “COMICS: Controls over Ocean Mesopelagic Interior Carbon Storage”

- August 2017: RV Meteor, Cape Blanc (Mindelo – Las Palmas). “Foram flux and ballasting on marine organic aggregates”

- July 2017: RV Polarstern, FRAM and HAUSGARTEN. PS107. “HAUSGARTEN and FRAM Long-Term Observatory”

- June 2017: RV Johann Ruud, Balsfjorden. “Microsnow – studies of the influence from Microsetella on the attenuation of organic carbon flux”

- April 2017: RV Discovery, Porquepine Abyssal Plain, North Atlantic. DY088. “SeaPAP FixO3 funded project in collaboration with Richard Lampitt to recover our newly developed Bio-Optical Platform (BOP)”

- January 2017: RV Poseidon, Cape Blanc, Mauritania (NW Africa). POS508. “”Particle characteristics and transport of organic carbon in the coastal upwelling off Cape Blanc (Mauritania) in spring”

- August 2016: RV Maria S. Merian, Spitzbergn, Greenland and Iceland. “Aggregate dynamics and turnover processes in three Arctic fjords”

- July 2016: RV Polarstern, FRAM (AWI long-term monitoring station). “Role of settling aggregates for nutrient turnover through the water column”

- June 2016: RV Helmer Hannsen, Spitzbergen and Barent Sea. ArceX. “Influence from zooplankton on carbon flux attenuation in polar fjords and seas”

- April 2016: RV Discovery, Porcupine Abyssal Plain, North Atlantic. DY050. “SeaPAP FixO3 funded project in collaboration with Richard Lampitt to deploy our newly developed Bio-Optical Platform (BOP)”

- Febuary 2016: RV Poseidon, Cape Blanc, Mauritania (NW Africa). POS481. ”Aggregate formation, transportation and degradation in the upper water column”

- July 2015: RV Polarstern, FRAM Strait, Arctic. PS.93_2. “Particle export dynamics in the Arctic long-term monitoring station FRAM”

- Febuary 2015: RV Poseidon, Cape Blanc, Mauritania (NW Africa). POS481. ”Zooplankton feeding on aggregates and particle dynamics in the upper water column”

- June 2014: RV Meteor, Porqupine Abyssal Plain, ME108. “Nitrogen cycling in settling aggregates”

- Febuary 2014: RV Poseidon, Cape Blanc, Mauritania (NW Africa). POS464. ”Nitrogen cycling within settling aggregates”

- June 2014: RV James Cook, Porqupine Abyssal Plain, JC 87. “Particle dynamics in the twilight zone”.

- January 2013: RV Poseidon, Cape Blanc, Mauritania (NW Africa). POS445. "Microbial community composition, activity, and rates of degradation of marine snow using Isotope-labelled elemental tracing"

- August 2012: Mesocosm, Trondheim (Norway). "Flow of material into food webs versus the biological pump: variation with phytoplankton and zooplankton communities and mineral ballast".

- January to March 2012: RV Polarstern, Cape Town to Punta Arenas (between 50-60° S). ANT-XXVIII/3. "Controls on the dynamics and sedimentation of Southern Ocean phytoplankton assemblages." Part of the multidisciplinary study "Eddy Pump", with the major goal of investigating the processes that control the physical and biological pumps of carbon in key biogeochemical regimes of the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean.

- October 2011: RV Maria S. Merian, Namibia (Africa). MSM19/1c. "Aggregate degradation and sinking in suboxic zones".

- June 2011: Mesocosm, Bergen. MESOAQUA. "Changes in zooplankton community at elevated pCO2 and temperature: Impact on the efficiency of the biological pump - ZOOPUMP" (PI for a subgroup during the mesocosm)

- April/May 2011: RV Maria S. Merian, Cape Blanc, Mauritania (NW Africa). MSM18-1.
"Particle aggregation and alteration in the water column in an upwelling area"

- August 2010: Kristinenberg, Sweden.
"The biological pump in the Nordic Seas: Copepods and appendicularians as producers and consumers of sinking particles"

- June 2010: RV Dana, Godthaabsfjorden, Nuuk, Greenland. Biological Oceanography of Fyllas Bank - Godthaabsfjorden, BOFYGO.
"Determine the vertical carbon fluxes and the role of zooplankton fecal pellets for carbon removal"

- Feb/March 2010; RV Poseidon, Cape Blanc, Mauritania (NW Africa). POS 396
"Determine vertical changes of free-living and attach bacterial communities"

- April 2008; RV Poseidon, Cape Blanc, Mauritania (NW Africa). POS 365
“Determine the influence of ballast material on aggregate settling, size, dry weight, density, and formation”

- June 2007; RV Poseidon, North Sea, Coast of Denmark, Scotland, and Norway. POS 352
“Determine grazing and production of fecal pellets and influence of the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium sp. in the foodweb”

- March/April 2007; RV Merian, Cape Blanc, Mauritania (NW Africa). MSM04/4b
“Determine aggregate settling, respiration, dry weight, and POC”

- October 2006; RV Poseidon, Cape Blanc, Mauritania (NW Africa). POS 344-1
“Determine aggregate settling, respiration, dry weight, and POC”

- September 2004; RV Prof. Penck, Baltic Sea, transect from Kiel (Germany) to Odense (Denmark). Part of the Biological Oceanography education.