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Selected presentations

Organizing an international EuroMarine Foresight Symposium 2016 in Bremen “The Biological Carbon Pump in a Changing World”. Co-organizers are Eva-Maria Zetsche, Helle Ploug and Brivaela Moriceau.

Gordon Research Conference for Marine Microbes 2016, Girona (Spain). Iversen M. H. ”From Sub-Aggregate Scale to the Full Water Column – A 3D Look at Microbial Communities within Marine Snow”.

Poets Corner 2012, National Oceanography Centre Southampton, group of Ocean Biogeochemistry and Ecosystems (Lampitt, R.): Iversen M. H. (2012) "Controlling factors for carbon flux attenuation through the water column"

BIOPUMP CONFLUX Meeting 2012, Workshop, Denmark
Iversen M. H. (2012) "Key POC degradation processes in different depth layers through the water column"

DTU-AQUA, group of Biological Oceanography (Koski, M.; Kiørboe, T.), Charlottenlund, Denmark
Iversen M. H. (2010) “Impact of bacterial activity, flux feeding, and ballasting on vertical fluxes of particulate organic carbon” (Oral presentation)

University of Hamburg, group of Biological Oceanography (Micheal St. John), Germany
Iversen M. H. (2008) “Aggregated organic matter export: Degradation processes and ballasting effects”

SCOR Workshop 2016, Southampton, England: Translation of Optical Measurements into particle Content, Aggregation and Transfer “TOMCAT”.

Microscale interactions in aquatic environments 2013, Les Houches, France. Chair for the session "Scaling up: How do small scales affect larger scales?"

Aquatic Mesocosm Research 2012, Crete, Greece
Iversen M. H. (2012) "Potential future ocean impact on microbial degradation and sinking of marine aggregates - Will the efficiency of the biological carbon pump change?"

International Workshop on Marine Aggregates 2, Bremen, Germany
Iversen M. H., Ploug H. (2012) "Who ate the flux?!? - In situ carbon-specific degradation rates of POC"

LOHAFEX Workshop, Goa, India
Iversen M. H. (2010) “Export and degradation processes of zooplankton fecal pellets during LOHAFEX”

Ocean and Earth System – past, present and future, Kiel, Germany
Iversen M. H., Ploug H. (2009) “Respiratory carbon remineralisation and sedimentation of particles off Cape Blanc“

Structure and functioning of marine pelagic ecosystem, Denmark
Iversen M. H. (2008) “Copepod fecal pellet degradation”

International Workshop on Marine Aggregates, Bremen, Germany
Iversen M. H., Ploug H. (2006) “Implication of CaCO3 in aggregates”

Structure and functioning of marine pelagic ecosystem, Denmark
Iversen M. H., Poulsen L. K. (2005) “The role of copepod in fecal pellet retention”

ASLO 2014, Hawai. Organizer and chair for a plenum discussion ”Perspectives on particle flux from observations, measurements, and models”.

ASLO winter meeting, New Orleans, USA
Iversen M. H., Nowald N., Klawonn I., Ploug H., Jackson G. A., Fischer G. (2013) " Importance of microbes, zooplankton, and ballasting on carbon flux attenuation".

ASLO winter meeting, New Orleans, USA
Svensen C. and Iversen M. (2013) "Who is responsible for the attenuation of faecal pellet flux".

ASLO winter meeting, Nice, France
Iversen M. H., Ploug H., Nowald N., Jackson G. A., Fischer G. (2009) “Particulate organic matter export: Degradation processes and ballasting effects”.

ASLO summer meeting, St. John´s, New Foundland & Labrador, Canada
Iversen M. H., Ploug H., Poulsen L. K. , Koski M., Buitenhuis E. T. (2008) ”Copepod fecal pellet degradation: the usual suspects or other critters on the loose?”