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  • Tobin, H.J., Hirose, T., Ikari, M., Kanagawa, K., Kimura, G., Kinoshita, M., Kitajima, H., Saffer, D.M., Yamaguchi, A., Toczko, S., Maeda, L., Eguchi, N., and shipboard science party, 2019. Proceedings ofIODP expedition 358,​10.14379/​iodp.proc.358.2020
  • Solomon, E.A., K. Becker, A.J. Kopf, and E.E. Davis. 2019. Listening down the pipe. Oceanography 32(1):98–101,
  • Kioka, A., T. Schwestermann, J. Moernaut, K. Ikehara, T. Kanamatsu, C. M. McHugh, C. dos Santos Ferreira, G. Wiemer, A. J. Kopf, T. I. Eglinton & M. Strasser, 2019. Giant earthquake drives drastic organic carbon supply into the hadal trench. Nature Scientific Reports, volume 9, Article number: 1553.
  • Moore, G.F., Aung, L.T., Fukuchi, R., Sample, J.C., Hellebrand, E., Kopf, A., Naing, W., Than, W.M., Tun, T.N., 2019. Tectonic, Diapiric and Sedimentary Chaotic Rocks of the Rakhine Coast, Western Myanmar. Gondwana Research, GR-D-18-00462R1



  • Araki, E., Saffer, D., Kopf, A., L.M. Wallace, T. Kimura, Y. Machida, S. Ide, E. Davis, and IODP Expedition 365 shipboard scientists, 2017. Recurring and triggered slow slip events on the trenchward reaches of the Nankai Trough subduction megathrust. SCIENCE, 356: 1157-1160
  • Moernaut, J., Gauvain Wiemer, Anna Reusch, Nina Stark, Marc De Batist, Roberto Urrutia, Bruno Ladrón de Guevara, Achim Kopf, Michael Strasser, 2017. The influence of overpressure and focused fluid flow on subaquatic slope stability in a formerly glaciated basin: Lake Villarrica (South-Central Chile). Marine Geology, 383: 35-54
  • Wiemer, G., Dziadek, R., Kopf, A., 2017. Influence of diatom microfossils on sediment shear strength and slope stability. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 2016GC006568
  • Kopf, A., Saffer, D.M., Toczko, S., and shipboard science party, 2017. Proceedings of IODP expedition 365, doi:10.14379/iodp.proc.365.2017 (ISSN World Wide Web: 2377-3189)
  • Strasser, M., Kopf, A., and Shipboard Science Parties Leg SO251-1 & SO251-2, 2017. EAGER-Japan: Extreme events Archived in the Geological Record of Japan’s Subduction margins. Berichte aus dem MARUM und Fachbereich Geowissenschaften der Univ. Bremen, No. 318, 219 pp.
  • Menapace, W., Kopf, A., Zabel, M., de Beer, D. (2017). Mud volcanoes as dynamic sedimentary phenomena that host marine ecosystems. In: Life at Vents and Seeps, J. Kallmeyer (Ed.): De Gruyter, p. 53-84
  • Öhler, T., José M. Mogollón, Nils Moosdorf, Andreas Winkler, Achim Kopf, Thomas Pichler, 2017. Submarine groundwater discharge within a landslide scar at the French Mediterranean coast.Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 198, 128-137.
  • Ikari, Matt J., Kopf, Achim J., 2017. Seismic potential of weak, near-surface faults revealed at plate tectonic slip rates. SCIENCE Advances, Vol. 3, no. 11, e1701269 DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.1701269
  • Ito, Y., Ikari, M.J., Ujiie, K., Kopf, A., 2017. Coseismic slip propagation on the Tohoku plate boundary fault facilitated by slip-dependent weakening during slow fault slip. Geophysical Research Letters 44, doi:10.1002/2017GL074307.
  • Menapace W., David Völker, Heiko Sahling, Christian Zoellner; Christian dos Santos Ferreira; Gerhard Bohrmann, Achim J Kopf, 2017. Long-term in situ observations at the Athina mud volcano, Eastern Mediterranean: taking the pulse of mud volcanism. Volume 721, 12-27.
  • Dorvinen, J., Stark, N., Hatcher, B., Hatcher, M., Leys, V., Kopf, A., 2017. In-situ geotechnical investigation of seabed sediments following dredging using a portable free-fall penetrometer: Sydney Harbour, Nova Scotia.ASCE Journal of Port, Waterway, Coastal and Ocean Engineering, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)WW.1943-5460.0000423
  • Menapace, W., Völker,
, Tryon,
M.D., Kaul, N., Kopf, A.J., 2017. The role of mud volcanism and deep-seated dewatering processes in the Nankai Trough accretionary prism and Kumano Basin, Japan. G cubed, Volume 18, Issue 7: 2486–2509, DOI: 10.1002/2016GC006763


  • Stein, R., Fahl, K., Schreck, M., Knorr, G., Niessen, F., Forwick, M., Gebhardt, C., Jensen, L., Kaminski, M., Kopf, A., Matthiessen, J., Jokat, W., Lohmann, G., 2016. Evidence for ice-free summers in the late Miocene central Arctic Ocean. NATURE Communications, 7: 11148, NCOMMS-15-15870C
  • Wiemer, G., Kopf, A., 2016. On the role of volcanic ash deposits as preferential submarine slope failure planes. Landslides, 1-10pp, 10.1007/s10346-016-0706-6
  • Kopf A., Sylvia Stegmann, Sebastien Garziglia, Nabil Sultan, Pierre Henry, Bernard Dennielou, Simon Haas, Kai-Christian Weber, 2016. Soft sediment deformation in the shallow submarine slope off Nice (France) as a result of a variably charged Pliocene aquifer and mass wasting processes. Sedimentary Geology, 344: 290-309. DOI: j.sedgeo.2016.05.014
  • Laberg, J.S., Strasser, M., Alves, T.M., Gao, S., Kawamura, K., Kopf, A., Moore, G.F., 2016. Internal deformation of a muddy gravity flow and its interaction with the seafloor (Site C0018 of IODP Expedition 333, Nankai Trough, SE Japan). Landslides, DOI 10.1007/s10346-016-0766-7
  • Kopf, A., Saffer, D.M., Toczko, S., and shipboard science party, 2016. Proceedings IODP 365,
  • Wallace, L.M., E. Araki, D. Saffer, X. Wang, A. Roesner, A. Kopf, R. Kobayashi, C. Kinoshita, W. Power, S. Toczko, IODP Expedition 365 Science party, 2016. Near-field deformation and seismology of an offshore Mw 6.0 earthquake from an integrated seafloor and sub-seafloor borehole monitoring network at the Nankai Trough, southwest Japan. J. Geophys. Res., # 2016JB013417R
  • Saffer, D.M., Kopf, A., 2016. Boron desorption and fractionation in Subduction Zone Forearcs: Implications for the sources and transport of deep fluids. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 2016GC006635R
  • Kopf, A., 2015. Mud volcano. Encyclopedia Springer “Marine Geology”, eds. M. Meschede, R. von Huene, et al.: p. 527-536
  • Moernaut, J., Gauvain Wiemer, Anna Reusch, Nina Stark, Marc De Batist, Roberto Urrutia, Bruno Ladrón de Guevara, Achim Kopf, Michael Strasser, in press. The influence of overpressure and focused fluid flow on subaquatic slope stability in a formerly glaciated basin: Lake Villarrica (South-Central Chile). Marine Geology,
  • Kopf, A., Timo Fleischmann, Tugdual Gauchery, Gerrit Meinecke, Jens Renken, Ulli Spiesecke, Nikolas Stange, David Völker, Till von Wahl, Stefan Wenau, Christian Wittauer, Ting-Wei Wu., 2016. Report and preliminary results of R/V Poseidon cruise Pos500 “LISA”: Ligurian Slope AUV mapping, gravity coring and seismic reflection. Berichte aus dem MARUM und Fachbereich Geowissenschaften der Univ. Bremen, No. 312, 62 pp. (ISSN 2195-9633)


  • Ikari, M.J., Y. Ito, K. Ujiie, A. Kopf, 2015. Spectrum of slip behavior in Tohoku fault zone samples at plate tectonic slip rates. Nature Geoscience [Paper #NGS-2015-02-00196B]
  • Reusch, A., Loher, M., Bouffard, D., Moernaut, J., Hellmich, F., Anselmetti, F.S., Bernasconi, S.M., Hilbe, M., Kopf, A., Lilley, M.D., Meinecke, G., Strasser, M., 2015. Giant lacustrine pockmarks with subsurface sediment mobilization, driven by subaqueous groundwater discharge. Geophys. Res. Letts., 42, doi:10.1002/2015GL064179.
  • Ikari, M.J., S. Trütner, B.M. Carpenter, A.J. Kopf, 2015. Shear behavior of DFDP-1 borehole samples from the Alpine Fault, New Zealand under a wide range of experimental conditions. Int. J. Earth Sciences, DOI 10.1007/s00531-014-1115-5
  • Wiemer, G., Kopf, A., 2015. Altered marine tephra deposits as potential slope failure planes? Geo-Marine Letters, DOI 10.1007/s00367-015-0408-4
  • Kopf, A., Freudenthal, T., Ratmeyer, V., Bergenthal, M., Lange, M., Fleischmann, T., Hammerschmidt, S., Seiter, C., and Wefer, G., 2015. Simple, affordable, and sustainable borehole observatories for complex monitoring objectives, Geosci. Instrum. Method. Data Syst., 4, 99-109, doi:10.5194/gi-4-99-2015
  • Hüpers, A., M.J. Ikari, B. Dugan, M.B. Underwood, A.J. Kopf, 2015. Origin of a zone of anomalously high porosity in the subduction inputs to Nankai Trough, Marine Geology, Volume 361, 1 March 2015, Pages 147-162,
  • Stegmann, S, S Kreiter, D Völker, N.J. Baeten, J-S L’Heureux, S Knudsen, M Vanneste, L Rise, O Longva, JoBrendryen, H Haflidason, T Mörz, A Kopf, 2015. First results of the geotechnical in situ investigation for soil characterisation along the upper slope off Vesterålen (Northern Norway). In: G. Lamarche et al. (eds.), Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences. Springer, Heidelberg.
  • Hellmich, F., B. Blossier, K. R. Bryan, N. Stark, A. Kopf (2015). In-situ geotechnical investigation of sediment dynamics of an embayed beach using a dynamic penetrometer, in: Proceedings of the Coastal Sediments 2015, edited by P. Wang, J. D. Rosati, and J. Cheng, pp. 1-13, San Diego, USA
  • Wiemer, G., Moernaut, J., Stark, S., Kempf, P., De Batist, M., Pino, M., Urrutia, R., Ladron de Guevara, B., Strasser, M., Kopf, A., 2015. The role of sediment composition and behavior under dynamic loading conditions on slope failure initiation: a study of a subaqueous landslide in earthquake‑prone South‑Central Chile. Int. J. Earth Sciences, DOI 10.1007/s00531-015-1144-8
  • Kopf, A., 2015. Mud volcano. Encyclopedia Springer “Marine Geology”, eds. M. Meschede, R. von Huene, et al., 10pp. (available online)
  • Trütner, S., Hüpers, A., Ikari, M.J., Yamaguchi, A., A.J., Kopf, 2015. Lithification facilitates frictional instability in argillaceous subduction zone sediments. Tectonophysics 665: 177–185
  • Steiner, A., Kopf, A., Henry, P., Stegmann, S., Apprioual, Pelleau, P., 2015. Dynamic cone penetration testing to assess slope stability in the 1979 Nice landslide area (Ligurian Margin, SE France). Marine Geology, 369: 162-181, DOI: 10.1016/j.margeo.2015.08.008
  • Paull, C., S. Dallimore , D. Caress , R. Gwiazda , H. Melling , M. Riedel , Young K. Jin , J.-K. Hong , Y.-G. Kim , D. Graves , A. Sherman , E. Lundsten , K. Anderson , L. Lundsten , H. Villinger, A. Kopf, S. Johnson , J. Hughes Clarke , S. Blacso , K. Conway , P. Neelands , H. Thomas, M. Cote, 2015. Active mud volcanoes on the continental slope of the Canadian Beaufort Sea. G-cubed, DOI 10.1002/2015GC005928
  • Ikari, Matt J., Kopf, Achim J., 2015. The Role of Cohesion and Overconsolidation in Submarine Slope Failure. Marine Geology, 369: 153–161
  • Dorvinen, J., Stark, N., Hatcher, B., Hatcher, M., Leys, V., Kopf, A. (2015) In-situ geotechnical investigation of a confined sediment disposal facility, Sydney Harbour, Nova Scotia. In: Proceedings of Coastal Sediments 2015, xx pp
  • Vanneste, M., C.F. Forsberg, S. Knudsen, T.J. Kvalstad, J.-S. L’Heureux, T. Lunne, M.E. Vardy, S. Chand, O. Longva, E. Morgan, A. Kopf, T. Mörz, A. Steiner, J. Brendryen, H. Haflidason, 2015. Integration of very-high-resolution seismic and CPTU data from a coastal area affected by shallow landsliding – the Finneidfjord natural laboratory. Frontiers in Offshore Geotechnics III – Meyer (Ed.), Ch. 137, Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN: 978-1-138-02848-7, p.1017-1022