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Poster presentations

14:00 – 16:00 Poster session

Sarah Beuscher End member modelling used for detecting Saharan dust in Eastern Mediterranean Sea sediments
Werner Ehrmann Intensity of African Humid Periods estimated from Saharan dust fluxes
Stefanie Feuerstein Characterisation of dust emission from alluvial sources and their implementation in dust emission
Carmen Friese Environmental factors controlling the seasonal variability in the particle-size distribution of modern
Saharan dust deposited on- and offshore NW Africa
AEROMET – Aerosol metrology for atmospheric science and air quality
Catarina Guerreiro The role of Saharan dust on the coccolithophore export production in the tropical Atlantic: fertilisation
or ballasting?
Ute Merkel Mineral dust during the last glacial cycle – simulations within the PalMod project
Steffen Münch Wind erosion - A pathway for the spread of antibiotic resistance?
Kerstin Schepanski Harmattan, Saharan heat low, and West African monsoon circulation: modulations on the Saharan
dust outflow towards the North Atlantic
Scarlett Trimborn Iron Sources Modulate Southern Ocean Phytoplankton Responses To Ocean Acidification
Robert Wagner Relevance of wildfires on dust emissions via interaction with near-surface wind pattern
Andebo Waza A deposition measurement intercomparison campaign in a dust transport region (Tenerife)