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Poseidon 450 (DARC-SEAS II)


Deep subseafloor Archaea in the western Mediterranean Sea: carbon cycle, life strategies, and role in sedimentary ecosystems

This research cruise is a continuation of the expedition DARC-SEAS I (M84/1). After successful investigation of five environmentally diverse sites in the Black Sea, Sea of Marmara, and eastern Mediterranean Sea in 2011, we extend our research to the western Mediterranean Sea. With DARC-SEAS II we aim to study more specifically how benthic archaea respond to changes in organic matter input (quality and quantity) in deltas of two contrasting river systems (Rhône/France and Moulouya/Morocco). Furthermore, we plan to take samples from the well-known organic-rich layers (ORLs), equivalents to the sapropels in the western Med Sea. Similar to our strategy for DARC-SEAS I, we plan to (re)visit sites for which useful information already exist from previous investigations. Fresh samples are needed indispensably for organic geochemical, geomicrobiological, and biogeochemical investigations and should be taken by gravity corer, multicorer, CTD- rosette sampler and in situ-pumps.

This expedition is directly connected with the interdisciplinary ERC research project 'Deep subsurface Archaea: carbon cycle, life strategies, and role in sedimentary ecosystems' (DARCLIFE).

Chief scientist / contact person:

Dr. Verena Heuer


+49 421 218-65702


+49 421 218-65715



MARUM I, Raum 2700

DARCLIFE project leader

Prof. Dr. Kai-Uwe Hinrichs


+49 421 218-65700


+49 421 218-65715



MARUM I, 2600

Preliminary cruise track and working area with the locations where samples will be taken from the water column and the sediments