Meeresmuseum Stralsund

The Mee­res­mu­se­um Stral­sund pres­ents two new­ly de­si­gned ex­hi­bi­ti­on rooms on the to­pics of ›Tre­a­su­ry deep sea‹ and ›Po­lar re­gi­ons: dis­co­ver, ex­plo­re, pro­tect‹. The mu­se­um pres­ents rare ori­gi­nal ex­hi­bits and fa­sci­na­ting mo­dels, in­clu­ding a black smo­ker and a Be­lu­ga wha­le with calf. On dis­play are fa­sci­na­ting un­der­wa­ter vi­de­os of black smo­kers, ta­ken with the ROV MARUM-QUEST.

Black Smoker; Photo: Johannes-Maria Schlorke/Deutsches Meeresmuseum
Schwarzer Raucher; Foto: Johannes-Maria Schlorke/Deutsches Meeresmuseum