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Locally confined sediment depocentres on the northern Gulf of Cadiz shelf: formation history, envi-ronmental changes, and budget calculation.

Acronym: CADISED (Northern Cadiz shelf sediment depocentres)

Chief Scientist: Dr. Till Hanebuth

Aim of this cruise

Local sedimentary depocentres on clastic continental shelves contain highly valuable infor-mation concerning their history of development, the dynamics of component-specific sediment distri-bution in the shelf system, and the variability of climate-related parameters such as sea level and continental sediment supply. The existing seismo-acoustic profiles from the northern Gulf of Cadiz shelf system show a number of well-defined transgressive and Holocene sediment bodies. Such deposits are highly suited for palaeo-environmental reconstructions. We thus want to get benefit from these depocentres, and the three superordinate scientific targets are:

- To develop a comprehensive sedimentary-stratigraphic model on the origin of confined shelf deposits;

- To broaden the poor knowledge on sedimentary depocentres with special emphasis on their de-velopment dynamics and to calculate, as the most significant aspect, a marginal-marine sediment budget along defined time slices for late-glacial, deglacial and Holocene times.

- To use Holocene highstand muddy depocentres as high-resolution palaeo-environmental archives with the aim to reconstruct past climatic variability at high resolution in a regional (and Atlantic-wide) context and to quantify the influence of the involved forces (oceanography, morphology, material input, neotectonics).