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One-armed Deep-Sea Research

Jul 15, 2015
The diving vehicle MARUM-SQUID. At the right hand side the black electronic pod is visible.
Photo: V. Diekamp, MARUM
New MARUM Submersible Vehicle delivered
Earlier this week the Center for Marine Environmental Sciences in Bremen/Germany received its new submersible, the MARUM-SQUID. The remotely operated vehicle can be deployed down to 2,000 meters. In the near future it will prove invaluable in investigations of such deep-sea phenomena as cold-water corals and gas seeps, as well as hydrothermal vents on the sea floor, the so-called black and white smokers. The vehicle is equipped with a still camera and a high-resolution video camera. Its hydraulically powered multi-function manipulator, made of stainless steel, is able to collect samples as heavy as 68 kilograms. – MARUM-SQUID nicely complements the institute’s existing fleet of autonomous and remotely operated diving vehicles.
Basic facts MARUM-SQUID:

Length: 2.10 m
Height: 1.17 m
Width: 1.16 m
Weight: 1,200 kg
Chassis: Polypropylene, stainless steel
Propulsion: 11 thrusters
Forward speed: 3.5 knots
Depth rating: 2,000 m
Payload: 100 kg

Manipulator: 7 functions, 1.5 m reach,
Lift at full extension: 68 kg

The red steel frame contains the winch with 2,400 meters of deep-sea cable.
Photo: V. Diekamp, MARUM

Five out of eleven thrusters of MARUM-SQUID.
Photo: V. Diekamp, MARUM

A selection of MARUM`s underwater vehicles. MARUM-SQUID and its winch at the bottom; next to it a remotely operated diving vehicle which is currently under development. In the background the yellow, torpedo-shaped autonomous diving tool MARUM-SEAL.
Photo: V. Diekamp, MARUM