Oceans in Transition

Dec 4, 2017
Klimahaus Bremerhaven shows new interactive special exhibition in cooperation with MARUM
Klimahaus Bremerhaven shows the exhibition "Ozeane im Wandel" until Mai 2018. Photo: Voigts, Klimahaus Bremerhaven
Klimahaus Bremerhaven shows the exhibition "Ozeane im Wandel" until Mai 2018. Photo: Voigts, Klimahaus Bremerhaven

Starting in December, the Klimahaus Bremerhaven 8° Ost will present a new interactive special exhibition, in which the MARUM - Center for Marine Environmental Sciences of the University of Bremen is be participating. With "Oceans in Transition", the climate house shows how oceans are created and how people influence the ocean - and vice versa. On 400 square metres, visitors learn how the oceans have developed and changed, they learn about life and survival on the coasts and discover research in the fascinating landscapes of the deep sea. The exhibition will run until 25 May 2018.

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