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Ocean Floor

discovering & investigating

The ocean floor is one of the most dy­namic and geo­lo­gic­ally di­verse en­vir­on­ments of the earth. Its mor­pho­logy is con­tinu­ously (re-)shaped by sed­i­ment in­put, erosion, trans­port and de­pos­ition, as well as by sub­mar­ine vol­can­ism, earth­quakes, an­thro­po­genic in­flu­ences and much more. MARUM sci­ent­ists are work­ing on a broad spec­trum of pro­cesses chan­ging the ocean floor: from Sediment dynamics and the in­flu­ence by an­thro­po­genic im­pacts as well as the Control of seafloor dynamics on morphology and benthic ecosystems to Cascading marine hazards and their precursors, and of course the pro­cess at Oceanic rifts and continental margins. MARUM sci­ent­ists tackle these chal­lenges by in­vest­ig­at­ing both the un­der­ly­ing pro­cesses as well as their in­ter­ac­tions in shap­ing and chan­ging the sea­floor from the coast to the deep-sea.

Photo: MARUM - Centre for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen
Photo: MARUM - Centre for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen

Selection of current research projects


Innovative approaches to improve the carbon storage potential of coastal vegetation ecosystems

(DAM Research Mission)



Alternate scenarios, Innovative technologies, and Monitoring approaches for Sub-Seabed Storage of carbon dioxide

(DAM Research Mission)



The Role of Silica in the Dawn of Life on our Planet

(ERC Synergy Grant)
