Ocean Floor Symposium

Poster Session 24

Posters will be on display throughout the meeting. Posters can be set up on Monday starting at 8:15 am. Poster presenters are invited to present their poster before the first poster session. Pitches will be limited to 90 seconds, and no specific format is foreseen (except that it will not be possible to show slides). It is up to your creativity to make a lasting impression in the time available.


Poster Overview

  • Galerne, Christophe, J. Hasenclever, A. Cheviet, W. Bach, N. Lenhardt, J. Zhang, A. Kopf, M. Buatier, A.E. Götz: Natural carbon sequestration process into shallow sill intrusions – Geochemistry and numerical modelling, land-based and IODP drilling investigations
  • Gaskell, Daniel E., S. M. Bohaty, M. M. F. R. Siri, S. Kirtland Turner, J. D. Zachos: The biological carbon pump at the PETM: New stable-isotope records from ODP 1209/1263
  • Gomes, Ana, Ulysses S. Ninnemann, Stijn De Schepper, Tristan Cordier: Reconstructing the past functioning of the biological carbon pump: A sedimentary ancient DNA approach
  • Hargreaves, Jess A., T. Felis, M. Kölling: Hydrologic variability in the southwest Indian Ocean from Mauritius corals since the late 19th century and connections to the Indo-Pacific
  • Hollstein, Martina, Matthias Prange, Lukas Jonkers, Mahyar Mohtadi: Sea surface temperatures across the low-latitude Indo-Pacific Ocean during the Holocene, last interglacial and marine isotope stage 11
  • Jones, Heather L., B. Niederbockstruck, U. Röhl: A late Paleocene - early Eocene record of calcareous nannofossil community composition from the high-latitude South Pacific Ocean
  • Jonkers, Lukas, Thomas Laepple, Marina C. Rillo, Xiaoxu Shi, Andrew M. Dolman, Gerrit Lohmann, André Paul, Alan Mix and Michal Kucera: Plankton biogeography reveals strong temperature gradients in the ice age North Atlantic Ocean
  • Kaufhold, Christine, M. Willeit, A. Ganopolski: Impact of anthropogenic CO2 on the next glacial inception
  • Khanolkar, Sonal, E. Anagnostou, A.J. Drury, B. Ausín González, T. Westerhold, O. Friedrich: Carbon Dynamics and Sea Surface Temperature in the Late Eocene to Oligocene Transition in the South Pacific: Insights from Site U1553, IODP Expedition 378
  • Lamy, Frank, Gisela Winckler, Helge W. Arz, Jesse R. Farmer, Julia Gottschalk, Lester Lembke-Jene, María H. Toyos, and Ralf Tiedemann: Increase in strength and orbital variability of the South Pacific Antarctic Circumpolar Current across the Mid-Pleistocene Transition
  • Mertens, Cornelia, Sarah Paradis, Jordon D. Hemingway: Quantifying key drivers of marine pyrite content and isotopic composition
  • Meurer, Christian, Ralf Bachmayer: SPiraling Intelligent Robotic Underwater monitoring pLAtform (SPIRULA) – towards repeated, high density and low-cost seafloor monitoring
  • Mejía, Luz Ma, V.E. Taylor, A.N. Meckler, H. Stoll, S.M. Bernasconi, A. Fernández, H. Zhang, J. Guitián, H. Sadatzki, I. Hernández-Almeida, H. Pälike: Coccolith clumped isotopes reveal temperatures of modern, Miocene and Cenozoic euphotic oceans
  • Meyer, D.V., P. Köhler, N.T. Smit, J. S. Lipp, J. Pätzold, G. Mollenhauer, E. Schefuß: Dominant control of temperature on (sub-)tropical soil-carbon turnover
  • Niederbockstruck, Bryan, H. L. Jones, K. Yasukawa, I. Raffi, E. Tanaka, T. Westerhold, M. Ikehara, U. Röhl: Apparent diachroneity of calcareous nannofossil datums during the early Eocene
  • Nelissen, Mei, David Jolley, Debra Willard, Timme Donders, Teuntje Hollaar, Han van Konijnenburg-van Cittert, Appy Sluijs, Joost Frieling, Henk Brinkhuis: A high-resolution palynological perspective on ecosystem overhaul during the earliest phases of the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
  • Obreht, Igor, Lars Wörmer, Devika Varma, David De Vleeschouwer, Hartmut Schulz, Michal Kucera, Kai-Uwe Hinrichs: Constraining the influence of oceanographic and environmental conditions on the variability of Last Interglacial Mediterranean molecular proxy-based sea surface temperature reconstructions
  • Rao, Zixuan, C., Emma R. Kast, Simone Moretti, Maria Rose Petrizzo, Vicente Gilabert Pérez, Paula Mateo Fernandez Caso, Gerta Keller, Gerald Haug, Alfredo Martinez-Garcia, Daniel M. Sigman: Foraminifera-bound organic matter nitrogen isotopic composition records marine environmental perturbations across the Cretaceous/Paleogene boundary
  • Sibert, Elizabeth C.: Fish as an indicator of marine ecosystem structure, function, and evolution in deep time
  • Strack, Tonke, L. Jonkers, Marina C. Rillo, K.-H. Baumann, H. Hillebrand, and M. Kucera: Unravelling the long-term response of marine plankton biodiversity to climate change since the Last Glacial Maximum
  • Westacott, Sophie, N.J. Planavsky, T.T. Isson, P.M. Hull: A shift in the mode of deep-sea silicon burial and its implications for Cenozoic cooling
  • Westerhold, Thomas, Steve M. Bohaty, Donald E. Penman, Ashely Burkett, Edoardo Dallanave, Expedition 392 Scientists: A new deep sea reference record for the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum: IODP Expedition 392 Site U1580 (Agulhas Plateau, Southwest Indian Ocean)
  • Xia, Ouyang, C.H. Lear, E. Inglis, M. J. Henehan, S. Barker: Application of the boron isotope palaeobarometer to investigate cryosphere-carbon cycle feedback
  • Xie, Yixuan, Dan Lunt, Paul Valdes, Fanny Monteiro, Richard Stockey: Paleogeography controls of dust emissions and their marine biogeochemical response over the Phanerozoic
  • Ying, Rui, Fanny M. Monteiro, Jamie D. Wilson, Malin Ödalen, Daniela N. Schmidt: Thermal niche response of planktic foraminifera to the deglacial and anthropogenic warming
  • Zhao, Xiaoxiao, Felix Elling, Nitrogen cycle perturbation during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum