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Nina Rohlfs




+49 421 218-65567



MARUM 0230

  • IODP Bremen Core Repository (BCR) Curation and Logistics


2024: IODP Ex­pe­di­ti­on 389 - Ha­waii­an Drow­ned Reefs, Ons­hore Sci­ence Par­ty in Bre­men, ESO Core Curator as part of the ECORD Sci­ence Ope­ra­tor team (Fe­bru­ary 2024)

2018: IODP Ex­pe­di­ti­on 381 - Corinth Ac­tive Rift De­ve­lop­ment, Ons­hore Sci­ence Par­ty in Bre­men, student assistent of the ESO team as part of the ECORD Sci­ence Ope­ra­tor team (Ja­nu­a­ry/​Fe­bru­ary 2018)

2016: IODP Ex­pe­di­ti­on 364 - Chic­xulub K-Pg Im­pact Cra­ter, Ons­hore Sci­ence Par­ty in Bre­men, student assistent of the ESO team as part of the ECORD Sci­ence Ope­ra­tor team (Sep­tem­ber/​Oc­to­ber 2016)

2016: IODP Ex­pe­di­ti­on 357 - At­lan­tis Mas­sif Ser­pen­ti­niza­t­i­on and Life, Ons­hore Sci­ence Par­ty in Bre­men, student assistent of the ESO team as part of the ECORD Sci­ence Ope­ra­tor team (Ja­nu­a­ry/​Fe­bru­ary 2016)

Lab introduction during Onshore Sciene Party of Exp. 389
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