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News Ocean & Climate

Manita Chouksy is a new member of the CLIVAR panel. Photo: private
Manita Chouksy is a new member of the CLIVAR panel. Photo: private
Feb 8, 2023

MARUM scientist was selected to be a member of the CLIVAR Ocean Model Development Panel

MARUM scientist Dr. Manita Chouksey, Project leader in the Transregional Collaborative Research Center 181 (TRR 181), is since January 2023 a member of the ...

Altered ocean circulation in the Indian Ocean could lead to more and stronger flood events in the eastern part of the Indian Ocean and drought and dry periods in the western part of the Indian Ocean. Photo: MARUM - Center for Marine Environmental Sciences
Altered ocean circulation in the Indian Ocean could lead to more and stronger flood events in the eastern part of the Indian Ocean and drought and dry periods in the western part of the Indian Ocean. Photo: MARUM - Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen; M. Mohtadi
Jan 5, 2023

Changing ocean circulation intensifies extreme events in the Indian Ocean

Dry regions experience more drought events, wet regions more precipitation: In a new study, researchers from the U.S., Germany and China have investigated ...

Foraminifera under the microscope, taken during an expedition with the research vessel SONNE. Photo: MARUM - Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen
Foraminifera under the microscope, taken during an expedition with the research vessel SONNE. Photo: MARUM - Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen
Dec 22, 2022

Colonization of microorganisms from the ocean floor into the water column

Planktonic foraminifera are key to understanding and deciphering past climate. They live and lived in the water column, but their origins are unclear. In a ...

Aug 25, 2021
An octopus approaches a coral grown on basalt fragments in a water depth of 900 meters, recorded with the remotely operated vehicle MARUM-QUEST. Photo: MARUM - Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen
An octopus approaches a coral grown on basalt fragments in a water depth of 900 meters, recorded with the remotely operated vehicle MARUM-QUEST. Photo: MARUM - Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen

Research Mission Investigates the Ocean as a Carbon Store

How can the ocean help to effectively contain climate change? This question forms the core of the first research mission of the German Marine Resea...

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Aug 6, 2021
The new brochure provides facts and background information on surveying the Atlantic circulation. Photo: KDM/DKK
The new brochure provides facts and background information on surveying the Atlantic circulation. Photo: KDM/DKK

Measuring the Atlantic circulation

The German Marine Research Consortium (KDM) and the German Climate Consortium (DKK) have now published a background brochure on the measurement of ...

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May 31, 2021
The samples studied come from a core recovered by researchers in Morocco's Lake Tislit. Photo: Rachid Cheddadi, University of Montpellier
The samples studied come from a core recovered by researchers in Morocco's Lake Tislit. Photo: Rachid Cheddadi, University of Montpellier

Using fossil plant molecules to track down the Green Sahara

Researchers have developed a new concept to explain the phenomenon known as Green Sahara. To achieve this, they first studied the fossil pollen and...

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Apr 13, 2021
The basis for GLOMAP is data obtained from deep-sea sediment cores. Photo: MARUM - Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen; V. Diekamp
The basis for GLOMAP is data obtained from deep-sea sediment cores. Photo: MARUM - Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen; V. Diekamp

New world map of sea-surface temperature and sea-ice extent during the Last Glacial Maximum

Researchers use maps to visualize their data. Using paleodata from the international MARGO project ("Multiproxy Approach for the Reconstruction of ...

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Feb 17, 2021
Icebreaker Oden on the Arctic Ocean. Credits: Lars Lehnert, SPRS
Icebreaker Oden on the Arctic Ocean. Credits: Lars Lehnert, SPRS

ArcOP – A novel scientific ocean drilling expedition to explore Arctic Ocean paleoceanography and climate

The European Consortium for Ocean Research Drilling (ECORD), the Swedish Polar Research Secretariat (SPRS) and Arctic Marine Solutions (AMS) will j...

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Showing 1,901-1,920 of 2,170 items.

Jul 15, 2012

Science Barge in Bremen

From July 23 – 25 the Science Barge will visit Bremen. It presents the interactive exhibition “Future Earth”, which deals with research in the context of a ... +

Jul 5, 2012

New Professorship Palaeoceanography

On July 1st Prof. Heiko Pälike joined the MARUM team. Until then he had worked at the University of Southampton. At Bremen University the geoscientist ... +

Jul 5, 2012

Tracing the Tohoku Earthquake

Earlier this year MARUM scientists investigated the seabed off Japan. Two new videos are now available on YouTube and offer impressions of this cruise on ... +

Jul 2, 2012


Last week, MARUM scientists onboard the research vessel SONNE drilled side-by-side with the Japanese drilling vessel CHIKYU into active mud volcanoes in ... +

Jul 1, 2012

Wirtschaftsempfang 2012

On June, 27th, the Bremen Chamber of Commerce presented this year’s economy welcome at the MARUM. About 450 guests listened to the lecture held by Dr. ... +

Jun 28, 2012

INTERCOAST Paper publiziert

Firoz Badesab, Doktorand am INTERCOAST, einem deutsch-neuseeländischen Graduiertenkolleg, hat sein erstes Paper publiziert. Darin geht es um die ... +

Jun 27, 2012

Kooperation mit National Geographic

Das Konsortium Deutsche Meeresforschung KDM und National Geographic haben eine Zusammenarbeit vereinbart. Das MARUM will dazu mit Wissenschaftsfilmen für ... +

Jun 6, 2012

Prof. Dieter Meischner passed away

Prof. Dieter Meischner passed away in the age of 78. Three decades ago the geoscientist took over the role of an adviser in the process of establishing the ... +

Jun 4, 2012

Environmental Week

On June 5th and 6th Federal President Joachim Gauck is patron of the “Environmental Week” which takes places in the park of his official residence, ... +

May 29, 2012

MS Wissenschaft

Today the exhibition barge „Wissenschaft“ starts the 2012 tour. The exhibition covers our “Future Earth” and comprises an exhibit provided by MARUM on sea ... +

May 27, 2012

MeBo drilling record set!

During the current cruise on board RV SONNE the expedition team led by Dr. Mahyar Mohtadi set a new record. With the sea floor drill rig MARUM-MeBo the ... +

May 7, 2012

Tracing the Tohoku Earthquake

During a media conference that took place at the EGU General Assembly in Vienna on April 25 Prof. Gerold Wefer and colleagues reported about a recent ... +

May 7, 2012

World Expo Korea

On May 12 the World Expo on “The Living Ocean and Coast” in South Korea will be opened. MARUM contributed HD video material to support the highlight of the ... +

Apr 12, 2012

COOPEUS – A new EU project

The new EU project COOPEUS aims at fostering and perpetuating the cooperation between the US and the EU in the field of environmental research. The ... +

Apr 9, 2012

SONNE expedition successfully completed

The expedition of the German research vessel SONNE in the area of the Tohoku earthquake came to an end in the port of Yokohama last Saturday. A nationwide ... +

Apr 4, 2012

Ice Sheets and Sea Level Rise

New findings regarding a dramatic sea-level rise at the onset of the last deglaciation about 14,600 ago have recently been published by members ... +

Mar 22, 2012

The Deep Sea in Rosenheim

MARUM is partner of the deep-sea exhibition “Tiefsee”, which will open in the Lokschuppen Rosenheim today. Until November 4 visitors can see a real Black ... +