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News 2022

Showing 1-8 of 39 items.
The visitors from NSF and DFG took the opportunity and also toured the dry construction site of the new Center for Deep-Sea Research, which is being built in the direct vicinity of MARUM. There will be another reefer hall for drill cores. They were accomp

Dec 8, 2022

Research funders visit MARUM

More than 164 kilometers of deep-sea cores retrieved during the scientific ocean drilling programs, currently IODP, from 97 expeditions are currently ...

After the test dive, the remotely operated vehicle MARUM-SQUID returns to the surface. Photo: MARUM - Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen; V. Diekamp

Nov 24, 2022

ROV Workshop

Dives with remotely operated vehicles (ROV) are technically very demanding. At the same time, pilots must also be able to meet the requirements of the ...

On Wednesday evening, the so-called Icebreaker took place in the MARUM foyer, where participants exchanged ideas in a relaxed atmosphere. Photo: MARUM/Prange

Nov 9, 2022

Annual Meeting of the TMS at MARUM

MARUM will host the annual meeting of the Micropaleontological Society (TMS) between November 9 and 11. The venue is MARUM - Center for Marine ...

It is not only directly on the water, as here on Hudson Bay, that the ocean influences. A new study shows that in addition to man-made global warming, regional variations are also to be expected. Photo: Ulrike Herzschuh

Nov 3, 2022

How the ocean affects climate on land

Climate on land appears to be much more variable than currently simulated in climate models. The reason for this is the oceanic influence, which shapes the ...

Logo Science goes PUBlic

Oct 13, 2022

Science in a pub

Sports betting, female Nobel Prizes, working from home and alternatives to animal products are topics in the fall series of Science goes PUBlic. Scientists ...
