Annual Meeting of the TMS at MARUM

Nov 9, 2022
On Wednesday evening, the so-called Icebreaker took place in the MARUM foyer, where participants exchanged ideas in a relaxed atmosphere. Photo: MARUM/Prange
On Wednesday evening, the so-called Icebreaker took place in the MARUM foyer, where participants exchanged ideas in a relaxed atmosphere. Photo: MARUM/Prange

MARUM will host the annual meeting of the Micropaleontological Society (TMS) between November 9 and 11. The venue is MARUM - Center for Marine Environmental Sciences and the Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology Bremen. The conference includes one workshop day and two full conference days with talks and poster sessions. Over 150 researchers participate on- and offline at the hybrid hosted conference. The main focus is “The microfossil record of ecosystem response to global change”.  


"We are looking forward, after years of limited face-to-face professional meetings, to a lively exchange across the micropaleontological community," said Dr. Julie Meilland, who organized the conference with colleagues. This is reflected in the list of high-profile keynote speakers.

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