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News 2018

Showing 9-16 of 39 items.
Participants and lecturers of this year's ECORD Summer School. Photo: MARUM - Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen; V. Diekamp

Sep 3, 2018

ECORD Summer School 2018

The twelfth ECORD Summer School is centered around subseafloor fluid transport and gas hydrate dynamics. From September 3 to September 14, 24 early career ...

A visualization of gas leaks at the so-called Clayoquot Slope on the Cascadia Margin. Numerous data sets of water column gas emissions were evaluated for publication in Nature Communications. Graphic: Modified after Römer et al., 2016

Aug 31, 2018

Data analysis on gas emissions

Where continental margins meet, natural gases escape. For data analysis, a team focused on gas emissions on the west coast of the USA and Canada. Therefore ...

Research into the subsoil in the state of Bremen is at the heart of the Geological Service. Photo: GDfB

Aug 28, 2018

10 years Geological Survey

The Geological Survey of Bremen investigates the underground of the state of Bremen. Since its foundation as the expert authority of the Senator for ...

Antje Boetius receives this year's German Environmental Award. Photo: Al­fred-We­ge­ner-In­sti­tut / Kers­tin Rol­fes

Aug 23, 2018

Environmental award for Antje Boetius

Antje Boetius, Vice-Spokesperson of the cluster "The Ocean in the Earth System" at MARUM and Director of the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for ...

The team of the Geosciences Collection on their way to their field of work. The walk from the base camp to the outcrops takes about two hours. Photo: University of Bremen

Aug 21, 2018

Marine Fossils in the Nevada Desert

For the second time, a team from the Geosciences Collection of the University of Bremen, including Martin Krogmann of MARUM, is digging up fossils in the ...

Children deal with the topic of astronomy in workshops. From 30 August to 1 September, "Explore Science" will be a guest at Bremen's Bürgerpark. Photo: Klaus Tschira Stiftung

Aug 8, 2018

Explore Science in Bremen

What does astronomy have in common with climate? What role do impact craters actually play? These and other questions will be answered during the "Explore ...

A Board in the Internationale Maritime Museum Hamburg informs visitors about the expedition in the Scotia Sea. Photo: Holger von Neuhoff

Aug 3, 2018

Boards for METEOR-Cruise

Integrated into the special exhibition on maritime services, the International Maritime Museum Hamburg (IMMH) is also showing panels on a MARUM expedition ...

The expedition team is going to install borehole observatories. Photo: MARUM - Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen

Jul 25, 2018

Trigger for earthquakes in focus

Events that trigger landslides and earthquakes are the focus of MARUM's M149 expedition, which takes the team to the Gulf of Cadiz off the ...
