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Data analysis on gas emissions

Aug 31, 2018
A visualization of gas leaks at the so-called Clayoquot Slope on the Cascadia Margin. Numerous data sets of water column gas emissions were evaluated for publication in Nature Communications. Graphic: Modified after Römer et al., 2016
A visualization of gas leaks at the so-called Clayoquot Slope on the Cascadia Margin. Numerous data sets of water column gas emissions were evaluated for publication in Nature Communications. Graphic: Modified after Römer et al., 2016

Where continental margins meet, natural gases escape. For data analysis, a team focused on gas emissions on the west coast of the USA and Canada. Therefore the scientists analyzed hydroacoustic data from numerous cruises along on the Cascadia Margin. The results show the distribution of more than 1,100 gas emissions and provide an estimation of the amount of methane released from the entire Cascadia margin. The international team of authors includes Michael Riedel from Kiel (first author) and Miriam Römer from MARUM.

Original publication