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New transfer office at MARUM

Jan 11, 2023
Knowledge tarnsfe

In dialog with politics and society, MARUM generates science-based recommendations for action for a sustainable approach to the ocean.

For a long time, universities have focused primarily on the areas of research and teaching. However, a third aspect has been added in recent years, as the question of the social relevance of research has increasingly come to the fore. The area of "transfer" is therefore now counted as a third pillar at universities, alongside research and teaching. The main aim here is to make scientific findings accessible to various stakeholders, for example from society, politics, the field of education, or the economy and to enter into dialog with them.

Transfer is also playing an increasingly important role for MARUM as a research faculty of the University of Bremen. The scientific knowledge gained at MARUM about the oceans and the ocean floor is highly relevant to current societal challenges such as global climate change. MARUM already assumes social responsibility and transfers its research results to various groups in society, for example through educational projects for schools and kindergartens, exhibitions in museums, press and public relations work, and social media. In the future, MARUM will seek even greater exchange with political decision-makers, authorities, and civil society in order to enter into a research-based dialog and provide policy-makers with scientific recommendations for action as a basis and orientation for political decisions.

The area of transfer has now been significantly strengthened with a newly created position at MARUM. On January 2, Dr. Sira Groscurth started her work as Transfer Officer for MARUM and the Cluster of Excellence “The Ocean Floor – Earth’s Un­charted Interface”