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New EU research project focuses on Atlantic Ocean

Jun 18, 2019
Coldwater corals off Ireland in 720 meters of water. Photo: MARUM - Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen
Coldwater corals off Ireland in 720 meters of water. Photo: MARUM - Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen

Which factors influence how deep-sea ecosystems change? This question is the focus of the international project "iAtlantic" (Integrated Assessment of Atlantic Marine Ecosystems in Space and Time project). The aim of the project is to determine the resistance of the animals and their habitats to threats such as rising temperatures, environmental pollution and human activity.

A total of 33 institutions from Europe, Argentina, Brazil, Canada, South Africa and the USA are cooperating in the project. The project is funded with 10.6 million euros from the Horizon 2020 funding programme of the European Union. The project will run for four years. From MARUM, the working group of Dierk Hebbeln and PANGAEA are involved in the project.