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Marine Sedimentology

Laboratories - Facilities & Infrastructure

We are responsible for the organisation, maintainance and time scheduling of laboratories and facilities listed below. In case, you need further information, do not hesitate to contact the responsible person.


Wet Sieving Lab (1370)

photo: C. Wienberg


The lab is equipped with two washbasins prepared for wet sieving, sieves of different mesh sizes (63µm to 2mm), a drying oven, an ultrasonic bath (Bandelin Sonorex), and a special accuracy weighing machine (tolerance: 0.005 g).

Contact Person

Christina Gnade [Bitte aktivieren Sie Javascript] 0421-218-65654


Grain Size Lab (1390)

Technical data

The lab is equipped with a laser diffraction particle size analyzer, type LS 13 320 of the Beckman Coulter company. The laser itself is equipped with an Aquous Liquid Module and an Auto Prep Station, and determines particle grain sizes from 0.04 to 2000 µm grouped into 116 size classes.

Contact Person

Dr. Jürgen Titschack [Bitte aktivieren Sie Javascript] 0421-218-65623


Stone Saw

photo: C. Wienberg

Technical Data

Type TS100F - Husqvarna
Blade 900mm / 1000mm
Bore of the blade 60mm
Depth of cutting 310mm / 360mm
Net weight 324kg
Dimensions 1950mm x 970mm x 1700mm
Power / Voltage 12CV / 9kW / 400V (3phases)
Extras special table modification for GeoB sediment cores
(section length: 1000mm, core diameter: 120mm)

Contact Person

Dr. Claudia Wienberg [Bitte aktivieren Sie Javascript] 0421-218-65652
Daniel Hüttich [Bitte aktivieren Sie Javascript] 0421-218-65630

Own Experience

Our working group uses the saw to open sediment cores containing a high content of cold-water coral fragments. A special procedure is needed to avoid any disturbance of the hard coral fragment/soft sediment mixture. Before opening, the cores are frozen at -20°C for 24 hours. The core sections (length: 1m) are cutted lengthwise into two halves (archive and work halves). The surface of the core halves is rinsed with clean water to remove any cutting remnants. Afterwards, the cores need again 24 hours for defreezing before they can be further described and sub-sampled.

a. Stone saw on board R/V MARIA S. MERIAN. b. Opening of the frozen gravity cores. c. Opened coral-bearing core (white spots are coral fragments).