Mission Planning

At sea surface an AUV could be controlled remotely from the support vessel, easily. Thus, an AUV can't dive on command "dive down". In order to operate an AUV under water, a preprogramed mission-file is mandatory. Simply spoken, a mission file is a transit navigation from waypoint A to B to C ...... until mission-end, in a given time-span. By demand, each transit to these mission waypoints is coupled with parameter (longitude, latitude, target depth, target speed, ... max. time-span). The list of these waypoints is written in a specific syntax into the mission file, which has to be uploaded onto the VCC before deploy of AUV. Finally, with the command "MISSION" the AUV will become autonomous and try to perform the sequential mission file, step by step.

The initial creation of the mission file is done in a mission-planning software - MIMOSA (© IFREMER). MIMOSA is a GIS-based software; missions could be created just by drawing transects with the mouse, completely editable by moving, copying or just modifying. Finally, the software parses the graphic mission into the vehicle specific syntax, which has to be uploaded onto the AUV control system, prior to mission start.

During mission, the AUV could be fully monitored in MIMOSA software, as well. External signals (ship, USBL signals, POI,...) could be displayed in the same GIS system, which has been used before for planning - the user has full control on all movements "on sea surface and below sea surface". In addition, MIMOSA is designed as CLIENT-SERVER application, means clients of MIMOSA could be installed in labs and ships-bridge for mission monitoring, as well.

MIMOSA as planning tool

MIMOSA (© IFREMER); mission planning and supervision software for underwater vehicles.

Mission planning with MIMOSA. Background is a georeferenced "empty" GIS project.

Mission planning with MIMOSA. Background is a georeferenced "scientific" GIS project.

MIMOSA as supervision tool

MIMOSA monitoring during Inertial-Navigation system calibration (rectangular calibration routine).

MIMOSA monitoring during operation - preparation for AUV deploy.

MIMOSA monitoring during operation - preparation for AUV recovery.