MARUM in Bremen

MARUM is mak­ing the pub­lic im­ages pub­lished here avail­able un­der the Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). The im­ages may be freely used provided the source (copy­right) given in the metadata is cited.

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MARUM – Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen; Photographer (CC-BY 4.0)

MARUM building

MARUM Gebäude_01
The main MARUM building on Leobener Straße on the campus of the University of Bremen.
MARUM Gebäude_02
The main MARUM building on Leobener Straße on the campus of the University of Bremen.
MARUM Gebäude_03
One of the technology halls of MARUM: here the large equipment undergoes maintenance between expeditions. In the foreground two technicians are working on the submersible vehicle MARUM-SQUID.
Scientific and technical staff of the Organic Geochemistry working group in the liquid-chromatography mass-spectrometry laboratory of MARUM.

IODP core repository

The Bremen core repository of the International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) at MARUM. Cores from the Atlantic and Arctic Oceans and the Mediterranean, Black and Baltic Seas are stored here.
The Bremen core repository of the International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) at MARUM. Cores from the Atlantic and Arctic Oceans and the Mediterranean, Black and Baltic Seas are stored here.
The drill cores are split into two halves and stored at 4 degrees Celsius. One half serves as an archive and the other half is used for scientific work.
Scientists describe sediment cores in the laboratory. Around 200 scientists visit MARUM each year in order to work on the cores stored here.
Scientists describe sediment cores in the laboratory. Around 200 scientists visit MARUM each year in order to work on the cores stored here.