>>> Emergency Call: 112 <<<

How to report an emergency?

1. Where dit it happen?
Accident location, describe as precisely as possible

2. What happened?
Brief description of the emergency / accident

3. How many?
How many injured / sick people need help?

4. What kind of injury / comlaint?
e.g..:unconsciousness, fracture, burns, Poisoning, shortness of breath, chest pains

5. Wait for further questioins?
Don´t end the call yourself!

6. You must also call the
central control room.: telephone: 07
from a mobile phone: +4942121807

=> Assist the rescue services to find their way to you!

First Aid measures indoors and outdoors

  • Look, think, act- ensure your own safety!
  • Electrical accident: break the power first- press emergency stop, pull plug, or switch off fuse.
  • Alert other persons at risk, send for additional assistance, allocate duties!
  • Make EMERGENCY CALL first, then inform MARUM first aiders.
  • Save helpless persons from the area of hazard and get them into fresh air. Request and/or determine their injuries or symptoms.
  • Lay unconscious persons on their back or side, check breathing and pulse!
    No pulse: start cardiac massage and resuscitation promptly, fetch and apply defibrillator (MARUM, EG, room 0200)
    Pulse, but no breathing: conduct mouth-to-mouth resuscitation until the arrival of the doctor
  • Extinct burning persons by rolling them over ground, better by using emergency shower above lab door, CO2 extinguisher, or fire blanket. Cool body part thoroughly with water and cover lightly with sterile cloth.
  • Bed injured persons in a restful and warm position. Stretcher, bench, blanket and bandaging materials are in first-aid room (MARUM, EG, room 0200). Dress bleeding wounds, use pressure dressing for strong bleeding. Immobilize fractures, prop up and cool injured limbs. Observe, recognize and treat state of shock (below).
  • In case of shock (loss of blood, allergy, pain), put person in dorsal position, elevate legs, observe.
  • Wash chemical skin burns thoroughly with body shower, eye wash (laboratory) or water tap, carefully remove soaked clothes with glove.
  • Intoxicated persons: determine type of toxin, provide fresh air supply. Drink abundantly and avoid vomiting after ingesting acids. Get directives from intoxication advice center (dial 0551-19240) or doctor.
  • In case of sunstroke and heat exhaustion, rest in shade with elevated head. Cool chest, arms and forehead with moist towel, observe respiration.
  • In case of hypothermia or frostbite, protect from further cooling, cover warmly (e.g. by exchanging clothes, sleeping bag, survival blanket). Offer warm drinks, communicate.
  • Never abandon injured persons before the arrival of a doctor or rescue squad.

A detailed first aid instruction book lies in the first-aid room (MARUM, EG, room 0200). Here it is available as pdf file, which should always be carried along during field work and excursions.

Good online instructions for first-aid actions are provided by German Red Cross and Johanniter.
The University of Bremen also provides online first-aid information and regulations.

Treating and reporting occupational and commuting accidents

Staff and students of our university are covered for occupational and commuting accidents by a comprehensive care and compensation system via contractual physicians of the accident insurers.

In all such cases, not the family doctor, but an authorized medical referee must be consulted (exception for eye, ear and dental injuries), who will provide a written case report.

Every self-treatment of occupational injuries must be documented in the first-aid log (MARUM, EG, room 0200) for later verification in the case of necessary medical after-care or long-term effects.

Occupational and commuting accidents must be promptly reported to the university via the FB5 administration. Reporting procedures and report forms differ for students, employees and civil servants.

Zusammengefasst von Tilo v. Dobeneck

First aid con­tacts

Emer­gen­cy Cen­ter UB
(First aid, ac­ci­dent, fire)
Phone: 9 - 1111

Emer­gen­cy Call ex­ter­nal
(First aid, ac­ci­dent, fire)
Phone: 112

Con­trol Cen­ter Uni­ver­si­ty
(Tech­ni­cal emer­gen­cy)
Of­fice phone: 07 (emer­gen­cy)
Mo­bi­le phone: 0421 - 218 -07

To­xi­co­lo­gy In­for­ma­ti­on
GIZ Univ. Göt­tin­gen (24h)
Phone: (01) – 0551 – 19240

Nea­rest hos­pi­tals with
emer­gen­cy ad­mis­si­on
after un­as­sis­ted ar­ri­val

St. - Jo­seph Stift
Schwach­hau­ser Heer­str. 54
Phone: (0421)-347-1222

Kli­ni­kum Bre­men-Mit­te
St. Jür­gen - Stra­ße 1
Phone: (0421)-497-5410

On-du­ty me­di­cal ser­vices
in case of off-hour ur­gent need for me­di­cal tre­at­ment

Ge­ne­ral me­di­cal emer­gen­cy ser­vices Bre­men
Phone (0421) - 116 117

First aid re­sour­ces

De­fi­bril­la­tor off First aid room in green wall­box
MARUM I, Floor 0, Room 0200

First aid room - First aid kit, stret­cher
MARUM I, Floor 0, Room 0200

Emer­gen­cy show­ers
in­si­de above lab entry doors

First aid down­loads