
How to activate a fire, explosion or intoxication hazard alarm

  • Activate fire alarm box in the corridors, or dial 9-1111 (internal) or 112 (external), communicate precise fire or hazard location and describe the incident.
  • Then notify the University Control Central via phone number 07.
  • Notify MARUM fire safety assistants
  • Start firefighting with available fire extinguishers (see right column), but keep your own safety!
  • Activate the heat and smoke removal system by push-button.
  • In case of burning electrical devices cut power supply by pushing emergency shutdown switch.
  • In case of emissions of hazardous substances leave room at once and close doors.
  • Lead approaching fire squads to the scene.

Building evacuation in case of fire alarm

  • At the sound of an alarm /megaphone or emergency notification (including alarm drill) stop your work at once and advance to official gathering points: MARUM 1+2 assembles next to the bicycle stands (Leobener Straße) of the UFT and MARUM.
  • Close room doors, but don't lock them! Never use elevators!
  • Not reacting persons must be alerted and prompted to leave the building. Help disoriented, injured or handicapped persons to escape.
  • Identify safe escape ways and then leave the building calmly.
  • Possible escape routes lead over corridors and stair cases, or over lateral fire escape doors and stairs, or over room windows and emergency exit balconies.
  • If none of the escape routes are accessible, close doors and make yourself noticed (by phone call, shouts, waving) until you are rescued by the fire fighters.
  • After arrival at the gathering place, identify your room mates and group members and report missing persons
  • During alarm conditions, any return into the building is prohibited. Reentering is only admitted after clearance by fire service and university management.
  • Salvage of material goods is only admitted if no human lives are endangered and lifesaving and firefighting are not impeded.

Rules of conduct in dangerous situations due to violent actors

  • Any evidence of acts of violence on campus (killing spree, hostage-taking, shootout, terror) is signalized by a telephone general alarm with special acoustic signal and text display "Danger! Stay in the room!"
  • At direct threat, run for cover! Don't expose yourself to danger!
    Lock room doors, hide behind walls, stay clear of windows!
  • Avoid provoking the attacker. Leave all intervention to the police.
  • Stay and wait under cover until all-clear signal is given! Open doors only to the police.
  • If you can provide own observation or information regarding acts or actors of violence on the campus, please make an emergency call (9-1111) and notify the police.

Emer­gen­cy con­tacts

Emer­gen­cy Cen­tral
Uni­ver­si­ty of Bre­men
(first aid, fire, ac­ci­dent)
Phone: 9 - 1111

Emer­gen­cy Cen­trals
Ger­ma­ny and EU
(first aid, fire, ac­ci­dent)
Phone: 112

Uni­ver­si­ty Con­trol Cen­tral
(Tech­ni­cal emer­gen­cy)
Of­fice: 07 (emer­gen­cy)
Mo­bi­le: 0421 - 218 -07

Gat­he­ring point MARUM
Next to the bicycle stands (Leobener Straße) of the UFT and MARUM.

Fi­re-figh­ting re­sour­ces

Pow­der fire extin­gu­is­hers
can be found on all cor­ri­dors ad­ja­cent to the ele­va­tors and next to the di­ving doors of the buil­ding sec­tions.

CO2 Fire extin­gu­is­hers
for re­si­due-free ap­p­li­ca­ti­on are lo­ca­ted in many com­pu­ter fa­ci­li­ties and la­bo­ra­to­ries.

Wall hy­drants
with pres­su­re hoses are lo­ca­ted in wall ca­bi­nets be­si­de MARUM I + II ele­va­tors.

Sa­fe­ty re­gu­la­ti­ons