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MARUM UNISchoollab international

Nov 14, 2017
Visit from Durban, South Africa in the MARUM UNISchullabor
Visit from Durban, South Africa in the MARUM UNISchullabor. Photo: Photo: MARUM - Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen; V. Diekamp

As part of the "Bremen-Durban Network Marine Environmental Education", members of the South African team will be visiting Bremen from 11 to 15 November. During their visit to the MARUM UNISchoollab, they took part in workshops in the fields of "Scientific Graffiti" and "Science Theatre". The German-South African project has been running since summer 2017 and aims to enhance public awareness of marine conservation and its importance. The MARUM UNISchullabor (University School Laboratory) supports marine environmental education in Durban and fosters an appreciation in young people and community stakeholders for marine conservation. Representatives of the UNISchullabor will travel to Durban in the spring of 2018.

MARUM UniSchullabor