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MARUM Research Award

May 29, 2017
Awardees Nadine Smit and Soeren Ahmerkamp
Awardees Nadine Smit and Soeren Ahmerkamp. Photo: MARUM - Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen

This years' "MARUM Research Award for Marine Sciences" is awarded to Dr. Soeren Ahmerkamp for his dissertation as well as Nadine Smit for her master thesis. The prize is awarded annually for outstanding scientific theses in the field of marine sciences at the University of Bremen.

Building upon her thesis about "Geochemical characterization of asphalt deposits in the Campeche Bay (southern Gulf of Mexico) - Insights in the persistence of heavy oil in the marine environment", Nadine Smit now does her PhD at the Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ).

Soeren Ahmerkamp, ​​who has been researching on "Regulation of oxygen dynamics by transport processes and microbial respiration in sandy sediments", has now moved to the Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology Bremen