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RV METEOR Cruise M134-2

Punta Arenas - Valparaiso (Chile)
21.02.2017 - 27.02.2017
The proposed cruise is planned to be conducted along the transit between Punta Arenas to Valparaíso and will focus on continuous surface water and air measurements for atmospheric methane and carbon dioxide concentrations. Two different Greenhouse gas analyser will be used to continuously measure air sucked into the system through tubes installed outside the ship above the sea surface and result time-series of air and water concentrations. Both, changes in background concentrations as well as anomalous elevated values can be indicative for natural variability or seafloor point sources. We aim for a first evaluation of surface water and air methane and carbon dioxide inventory along the Chilean continental margin. No station work and sampling will be conducted, hence, there is no need to reduce ship speed.

Planned cruise track of M134-2 along the coast off Chile.