Page path:

Low-Latitude Climate Variability

How to find us

From the airport or main train station:

Take tram line 6 in the direction of Universität, get off at the final stop "Universität-Nord" and follow the Hochschulring (on the left in the direction of travel) to Leobener Straße (MARUM I, No. 8)


En­ter the main entran­ce of the MARUM I buil­ding (via Leo­be­ner Stras­se). Go up the stairs, in front of the ele­va­tor move to the left, then move to the right and again to the left. Fol­low the long cor­ri­dor (you will pass se­veral glas doors), pass the bridge to the MARUM II buil­ding, and en­ter the door to the left. Now you are in the of­fice area of the re­se­arch group "Low-latitude climate variability"

How to find us

Uni campus



MARUM building I-II

Postal Ad­dress

MARUM – Cen­ter for Mar­ine En­vir­on­mental Sci­ences
Uni­versity of Bre­men
Wiener Str. 13 (MARUM II)
Leo­bener Str. 8 (MARUM I)
D-28359 Bre­men