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Live dive to the ocean floor

Mar 9, 2020
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The researchers of the SO272 expedition on board the research vessel SONNE are currently more than 10,000 kilometers away from Bremen. What can be seen during the dives with the remotely operated vehicle MARUM-QUEST can be followed by scientists not only on board, but also via satellite-supported Internet connection in their institutes on land.


In order to integrate researchers directly and interactively during the dives, a video laboratory at the MARUM – Center for Marine Environmental Sciences has been upgraded accordingly.

With this infrastructure, navigation data and information on environmental parameters of the deep sea can be received parallel to the video stream. Not only are videos transmitted live, but data in Bremen and other institutes around the world are also analyzed and exchanged with the ship.

The teams at sea and on land can also talk to their colleagues via an audio conference channel and discuss sampling at the ocean floor. The initiative to include onshore researchers with their expertise on expeditions through telepresence came from MARUM and GEOMAR.

The dives will be transmitted in hd-quality from SONNE, they can be followed here.