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Learning with leeks and carrots about climate

Aug 23, 2023
Raised beds for the MARUM UNIschoollab
By planting and maintaining the raised beds, students are encouraged to act sustainably. The raised beds are located in the outdoor area of the MARUM UNIschoollab. Photo: MARUM, M. Pätzold
By planting and maintaining the raised beds, students are encouraged to act sustainably. The raised beds are located in the outdoor area of the MARUM UNIschoollab. Photo: MARUM – Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen; M. Pätzold

Radishes or carrots, kohlrabi or chives: three raised beds have now been set up and planted in the MARUM UNIschoollab. But what do raised beds have to do with climate education?


In the school project "Klima - ich wandle mich" ("Climate - I'm changing"), students can actively develop and test climate-protecting options for everyday life. The extracurricular educational project is based at MARUM - Center for Marine Environmental Sciences at the University of Bremen. With the three new raised beds, the participants learn about regional vegetables and get an idea of how cultivation works even without a garden. The educational initiative "Ackerhelden machen Schule" from Essen is providing content-related support and assisting with the construction.

The project with kindergartens, elementary schools and secondary schools will always start at the beginning of the gardening season and end in September or October.

More about the school project "Klima - ich wandle mich"

More on the "Ackerhelden machen Schule" education initiative