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„Klima-ich wandle mich!“ is going into classrooms!

Oct 8, 2021
The climate rally on the campus of the University of Bremen marks the start of the practical phase of the school project " Klima-ich wandle mich!"
One of the rally stations is the new MARUM UNISchullabor - here the students become researchers. Photo: MARUM - Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen; V. Diekamp
One of the rally stations is the new MARUM UNISchullabor - here the students become researchers. Photo: MARUM - Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen; V. Diekamp

The 9th and 10th grade students from the Wilhelm-Olbers-Oberschule (WOS) and the Neue Oberschule Gröpelingen (NOG) visit the University of Bremen in October and November to go through the various stations of the climate rally on campus. There, they set out to find answers to the topics of climate research, resources, sustainable living space, and their own possibilities for action on climate protection. Thus, they embark on a run through climate history, follow the world journey of the banana and its ecological backpack, discover heat islands in Bremen and gain insights into the diverse sources of greenhouse gases in our everyday lives.


One of the rally stations is the new MARUM UNISchullabor - as "researchers", the students take samples from a sediment core and try to reconstruct the climate history off Africa for a small time window.

The pilot project "Klima - ich wandle mich!" pilot project provides students with ideas for making the complex issues of climate change and sustainability more tangible in schools. The aim is to help them find their own ways of protecting the climate on their own doorstep. The pilot project course " Meine Handlung zählt!" ("My action counts!") follows on from the rally and accompanies the students as they plan their own climate protection project. After a year of planning the overall project, conception and preparation, the climate rally marks the start of the practical phase of the school project.

The climate rally and the project course " Meine Handlung zählt!" that builds on it are two of the four courses that have been developed for a year together with the teachers of the project schools and the " Klima - ich wandle mich!" team. In addition to WOS and NOG, the project schools include Schule am Leher Markt in Bremerhaven and Oberschule an der Egge.

For the participating teachers of the project schools, an advanced training course on climate education and climate protection will be offered at the MARUM UNISchullabor in November 2021 in cooperation with Isabel Müller, State Coordinator for Education for Sustainable Development of the senatorial authority.

More information:

Website of the school project "Klima - ich wandle mich"

Website of the MARUM UNISchullabor

The students visit the University of Bremen to go through the different stations of the climate rally on campus. Photo: MARUM - Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, Uni Bremen; V. Diekamp
The students visit the University of Bremen to go through the different stations of the climate rally on campus. Photo: MARUM - Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, Uni Bremen; V. Diekamp