Modern Dinocyst Key

Spiniferites hyperacanthus

Zonneveld, K.A.F. and Pospelova V. (2015). A determination key for modern dinoflagellate cysts. Palynology 39 (3), 387- 407.


Field characteristics

Spiniferites hyperacantus (Deflandre and cookson 1955) Cookson and eisenack 1974

Field characteristics:
Proximochorate spherical to subspherical cyst. Smooth to microgranulate cell wall. Tabulation is weakly expressed by very low sutural septa (sometimes completely absent). Both gonal and intergonal processes are present that are bi- and trifurcate. Archeopyle is precingular (type P).

Dimensions: Cyst body: 54 to 59 µm; length of processes: 13 to 20 µm.
Motile affinity: unknown.

Comparison with other species:
The characteristic feature of this species is the presence of gonal and intergonal processes, the small or almost absence septa. The morphology of species S. hyperacanthus is similar to that of S. mirabilis with the exception that the „crown“ is missing. Large morphological variability can be observed with many morphologic intermediate forms that have characteristics of both S. mirabilis and S. hyperacanthus. Furthermore, the crown of S.mirabilis is often difficult to observe as a result of the not optimal orientation of the cyst, bad preservation, variation within the species morphology, folding or as result of the preparation.