Modern Dinocyst Key

Cyst of Protoperidinium fukuyoi

Zonneveld, K.A.F. and Pospelova V. (2015). A determination key for modern dinoflagellate cysts. Palynology 39 (3), 387- 409.

lateral view
Photographs by Vera Pospelova
locality: Saanich Inlet (Canada)
cross section
lateral view
dorsal view
Photographs by Vera Pospelova
locality: Saanich Inlet (Canada)
cross section
dorsal view
cross section
ventral view
Photographs represent figures 22, 24 and 30 from: Mertens et al., (2013) Journal of eukaryotic Microbiology, 0, 1-19. doi: 10.1111/jeu.12058

Field characteristics

Cyst of Protoperidinium fukuyoi Mertens et al., 2013

Small light brown to golden brown cysts with smooth to finely granular cyst wall covered by numerous processes. Processes are hollow with circular bases that distally become flattened and bladelike. Processes typically grouped into clusters with adjacent processes in each cluster fusing at their bases and often for much or most of their length. Distal ends of processes are typically free. Clusters are arranged in straight or curved lineations. Process length is fairly constant for individual specimens, but varies between specimens. Occasional scattered hairlike processe processes up to 0.3 µm can be present. Apical is formed by the loss of the 2th, 3th and 4th apical plates as well as the pore plates.

Dimensions: Cyst body diameter: 44 to 48 µm; length of processes: 5 to 8 µm.
Motile affinity: unknown
Stratigraphic range: Pleistocene to recent

Comparison with other species:
This species differs from all other species in having processes that become distally flattened and ribbon-like. Furthermore, processes are grouped in clusters.