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R.V. Pelagia
R.V. Pelagia (photo with courtesy of the Royal Netherlands Institute of Sea Research, Prof. J-B. Stuut)

R.V. Pelagia - Dust 2023

Relationship between biogenic particle production and changes in Saharan dust influx, upwelling regime and pollution induced by natural processes and human ...

Maria S. Merian
R.V. Maria S. Merian (photo Karin Zonneveld)

MSM 104/1 SIPA

SIPA: Sinking particles, their production, transfer and transformation

R.V. Heincke off northern Norway (photo Karin Zonneveld)

He 578 "FACTS" Microplastic

"FACTS" Fluxes and Fate of micro-plastics in northern European Waters

Maria S. Merian Reise MSM79: MACPEI
R.V. Maria S. Merian pulling the dust buoy "Carmen" off Cape Blanc (NW Africa, photo: Gerard Versteegh)
MSM 48
R.V. Maria S. Merian (photo Karin Zonneveld)

Cruise reports

Zonneveld, K.A.F., Akeerath Mundanatt, A., Bolte, A., Eldering, D., De Visser, J-D., Gottwald, J., Grotheer, H., Klann, M., Knoke, M.K., Koster, B., Korzem, K., Pfeil, L., Roza Virma, S.E., Ruhland, G., Seidel, M., Stuut, J-B., Versteegh, G., Queiroz-Alves, E. (2022). sinking Particles, their production, transfer and preservation. Cruise Report R.V. Maria S. Merian, pp. 51.

Zonneveld, K.A.F., Coulibaly, O., Flintrop, C., Grotheer, H., Klann, M., Knoke, M., Kotzem, K., Moradi, N., Otten, F., Schlagenhauff, S., Swoboda, S., Steinke, N., Tessin, E., Versteegh, G. (2020). Marine Particles off NW Africa, from source to sink. Cruise report R.V. Meteor M165, pp. 49.

Karin Zonneveld, Karl-Heinz Baumann, Barry Boersen, Janina Bösche, Charlotte Decker, Jan-Dirk De Visser, Barbara Donner, Marcus Elvert, Gerhard Fischer, Hendrik Grotheer, Laura Kattein, Marco Klann, Bob Koster, Martin Könnecke, Frederik Lange, Jane Lewis, Birgit Lübben, Gesine Mollenhauer, Sandra Petrov, Görz Rühland, Jan-Beerend Stuut, Gerard Versteegh. (2019). A deglacial record of carbon release from thawing permafrost of the European tundra (EUROTHAW) - MArine Carbon Production, Export, relocatIon and degradation under varying ocean redoxconditions off NW Africa (MACPEI). Maria S. Merian MSM79, pp 64

Karin Zonneveld, Mario Albert, Lorenz Boom, Donner, Barbara, Friederike Ebersbach, Carmen Friese, Daniel Gray, Catarina Guerreiro, Marcus Klann, Bob Koster, Birgit Lübben, Mara Maeke, Fiona Rochholz, Annegret Rüßbult, Lórànd Silye, Jan-Beerend Stuut, Gerard Versteegh, Weichao Wu. Aerobic Degradation of particulate Organic Matter and benthic microbial turnover rates reflecting ocean redox conditions off NW Africa (ADOMIS). Maria S. Merian MSM 48, pp. 65.

Zonneveld, K., Baumann, K-H., Clotten, C., Donner, B., Gray, D., Iwanczuk, N., Lombrock, J., Mourati, E., Theodor, M., Valk, O. and Versteegh., G. (2013) Calabrian and adriatic past river input and Carbon conversion on the Eastern Mediterranean. Berichte auf dem Fachbereich Geowissenschaften der Universität Bremen 296, pp.47.

Zonneveld, K., Bogus, K., Dekeyzer, S., Dorn, S., Enge, A., Milker, Y., Reiners, S-J-. Versteegh, G., Weiner, A., and Zolitzka, B. Calabria and Adriatic high Resolution Palaeoproductivity And Climate reConstructIons Of the last 5 Millennia – Human and/or natural forcing? Berichte auf dem Fachbereich Geowissenschaften der Universität Bremen subm.

Zonneveld, K., Bogus, K., Dekeyzer, S., Goldhammer, T., Hirschmann, K., Kallweit, W., Versteegh, G., Schröder, f., Sokoll, S., Günter, M. (2011) Production and Preservation of organic carbon in relationship to dust input and nepheloid layers in the upwelling area off NW Africa. Berichte auf dem Fachbereich Geowissenschaften der Universität Bremen 282, pp.38.

Zonneveld, K., Kasten, S., Baumann, K-H., Barke, J., Bogus, K., Fink, C., Fraile-Ugalde, I., Haarmann, T., Marino, G., Meyer, I., Michel, J., Raitzsch, M., de Schepper, S., Stuut, J-B, Seiter K. and Thal, J. (2010) Report and preliminary results Cruises P366-1 and P366-2, Las Palmas – Las Palmas – Vigo, 03 -19 May 2008 and 22 -30 May 2008. PERGAMOM Proxy education and research cruise off Galicia, Morocco and Mauretania. Berichte auf dem Fachbereich Geowissenschaften der Universität Bremen 274, pp.47.

Zonneveld, K., Emeis, K., Holzwarth, U., Kniebel, N., Kuhnt, T., Möbius, J., Ní Fhlaithearta, S., Schmiedl, G., Versteegh, G. and Welti, R. (2008) cruise P339, Piräus - Messina, 16 June - 2 July 2006, CAPPUCCINO - Calabrian and Adriatic palaeoproductivity and climatic variability in the last two millenia. Berichte auf dem Fachbereich Geowissenschaften der Universität Bremen 268, pp.61.

Zonneveld, K., Baumann, K-H., Clotten, C., Donner, B., Gray, D., Iwanczuk, N., Lombrock, J., Mourati, E., Theodor, M., Valk, O. and Versteegh., G. (2013) Calabrian and adriatic past river input and Carbon conversion on the Eastern Mediterranean. Berichte auf dem Fachbereich Geowissenschaften der Universität Bremen 296, pp.47.

Zonneveld, K., Bogus, K., Dekeyzer, S., Dorn, S., Enge, A., Milker, Y., Reiners, S-J-. Versteegh, G., Weiner, A., and Zolitzka, B. (2012) Calabria and Adriatic high Resolution Palaeoproductivity And Climate reConstructIons Of the last 5 Millennia – Human and/or natural forcing? Berichte aus dem Fachbereich Geowissenschaften der Universität Bremen.

Zonneveld, K., Bogus, K., Dekeyzer, S., Goldhammer, T., Hirschmann, K., Kallweit, W., Versteegh, G., Schröder, f., Sokoll, S., Günter, M. (2011) Production and Preservation of organic carbon in relationship to dust input and nepheloid layers in the upwelling area off NW Africa. Berichte auf dem Fachbereich Geowissenschaften der Universität Bremen 282, pp.38.

Zonneveld, K., Kasten, S., Baumann, K-H., Barke, J., Bogus, K., Fink, C., Fraile-Ugalde, I., Haarmann, T., Marino, G., Meyer, I., Michel, J., Raitzsch, M., de Schepper, S., Stuut, J-B, Seiter K. and Thal, J. (2010) Report and preliminary results Cruises P366-1 and P366-2, Las Palmas – Las Palmas – Vigo, 03 -19 May 2008 and 22 -30 May 2008. PERGAMOM Proxy education and research cruise off Galicia, Morocco and Mauretania. Berichte auf dem Fachbereich Geowissenschaften der Universität Bremen 274, pp.47.

Zonneveld, K., Emeis, K., Holzwarth, U., Kniebel, N., Kuhnt, T., Möbius, J., Ní Fhlaithearta, S., Schmiedl, G., Versteegh, G. and Welti, R. (2008) cruise P339, Piräus - Messina, 16 June - 2 July 2006, CAPPUCCINO - Calabrian and Adriatic palaeoproductivity and climatic variability in the last two millenia. Berichte auf dem Fachbereich Geowissenschaften der Universität Bremen 268, pp.61.

Attendance of other marine expeditions

2022 ORGMAT. Organic matter formation, transport and transformation on and off the western Irish shelf. Bremerhaven - Tromsø.

2021 Principal Scientist on cruise SIPA. Sinking Particles, their production, transfer and transformation. R.V: Maria S. Merian. Emden - Las Palmas.

2021 “FACTS” Fluxes and Fate of micro-plastics in northern European Waters R.V. Heincke. Bremerhaven - Bremerhaven.

2020 Principal Scientist on cruise PASTOSI. Marine Particles off NW Africa, from source to sink. R.V. METEOR, Emden - Emden.

2018 Principal Scientist on cruise MACPEI. Marina carbon production, export, relocation and degradation under varying ocean redox conditions. R.V. MARIA S. MERIAN. Las Palmas - Mindelo.

2018 Principal Scientist on cruise EUROTHAW. Permafrost of the european tundra. R.V. MARIA S. MERIAN. Edinburgh - Las Palmas.

2018 DosProBio. Dynamics of sedimentation processes and their impact onbiogeochemical reactions on the continental slope off Argentina and Uruguay. R.V. Sone, Buenos Aires - Montevideo.

2015 Principal Scientist on cruise “ADOMIS” - Aerobic Degradation and Particulate Organic Matter and microbial turnover rates reflecting ocean redox conditions R.V: MARIA S. MARIAN Ponta Delgado - Las Palmas.

2013 Principal Scientist on cruise „Capriccio“ - Calabrian and Adriatic Past River Input and Carbon ConversIOn In the Eastern Mediterranean. Messina - Messina.

2011 Principal scientist on cruise “CARPACCIO”- Calabria and Adriatic high Resolution Palaeoproductivity And Climate reConstructIons Of the last 5 Millennia – Human and/or natural forcing? Taranto – Taranto.

2010 Principal scientist on cruise “PAPOSA” Production and preservation of organic carbon in relationship to dust input and nepheloid layers in the upwelling area off NW Africa. Las Palmas – Lisbon.

2008 Attendance of Leg P366/1 (PERGAMOM) Las Palmas – Las Palmas.

2008 Principal scientist on Leg P366/2 (PERGAMOM) Las Palmas – Vigo.

2007 METEOR M74-3 Gas Hydrates and oxygen minimum zones. Dubai – Malé.

2006 Principal Scientist on Poseidon Cruise P339 (CAPPUCCINO) Calabrian and Adriatic (palaeo-)productivity and Climatic variability in the last two millennia. Piräus - Messina

2005 METEOR M65-1 Climate history and sedimentation processes off NW Africa. Dakar – Dakar.

2003 METEOR M57-3 Oxygen minimum zone of the Namibian upwelling system. Walvis Bay-Dakar

1992 „Netherlands Indian Ocean Expeditie“, Leg D2, Arabian Sea; Murray Ridge Region.

1996 – 2004 yearly. Principal scientist on the R.V. Senkenbergia and R.V. Aurelia in the scope of educational activities.