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Dr. Jessica Hargreaves


Coral Paleoclimatology


+49 421 218-65543



MARUM Pavilion, 1110

Jessica Hargreaves


Coral Paleoclimatology

Scientifically independent group at MARUM


Research Interests

  • Tropical climate variability
  • Coral palaeoclimate reconstructions
  • Hydroclimate, Sea Surface Temperature changes

Curriculum Vitae

September 2022 - Current

Postdoctoral Researcher, MARUM, University of Bremen

Postdoctoral Researcher on DFG Priority Program 'Tropical Climate Variability and Coral Reefs (SPP 2299)'

2018 - 2022

PhD Candidate, The Australian National University

PhD Thesis -'A Christmas Coral;Past and Present Variability of Tropical Hydroclimate' available here

Supervisor: Professor Nerilie Abram

March 2021 - June 2021

Science Policy Intern, The Australian Academy of Sciences

November 2017 - March 2018

Science Intern at, AR Center of Excellence for Climate Systems Science

Schools Weather and Air Quality

2014 - 2017

Bachelor of Advanced Science with Honors (H1), The Australian National University

Honors Thesis - 'The Impact of Explosive Volcanic Forcing on Indian Ocean Dipole Variability during the Last Millennium, with Climate Model Simulations and Coral Reconstructions'

Supervisor: Professor Nerilie Abram