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Jens Renken


Marine Technology


+49 421 218-65609


+49 421 218-65605



MARUM I, 1540

Jens Renken

Fields of activity

Collaboration on the development of a hybrid diving robot (H-ROV)

  • Concept development of the control system
  • Integration of pressure-neutral drive and energy supply components from Enitech:
    Reprogramming of the firmware for the drives and the battery monitoring system
  • Design and implementation of the control software based on the communication middleware Orocos and the Robotic Construction Kit Rock.
  • Porting the software to the Robot Operation System(ROS)
  • Development of a universal, configurable graphical user interface (GUI)

Further development and operation of autonomous underwater vehicles (AUV)

  • Integration of an EM2040 multibeam echosounder into the control software
  • Integration of a Benthos SIS1624 sidescan sonar into the control software
  • Integration of an IXBlue Echoes 3000 subbottom profiler
  • Development of auxiliary programs for data analysis and visualization
  • Operation of the device on numerous expeditions

Hardware development for various projects

  • Control system for sediment traps
  • Autonomous time-controlled data logger for scanning sonars, e.g. for use in moorings
  • Device-side control for the MeBo70 seabed drill rig
  • 16MPixel particle camera using a digital medium format camera back
  • Control system for the wheel-driven vehicle MOVE!
  • Sound transmission for the seabed drill rigs

Software development

  • Participation in the development of the control software for H-ROV, AUV, MOVE! and MeBo70 and MeBo200
  • Firmware for the self-developed hardware
  • Various programs and tools
    - Data visualization
    - Conversion of sonar data
    - Display of sensor data
    - Conversion and forwarding of navigation data
  • QGIS plugin for displaying the positions of vehicles and other devices based on USBL data and data from other sensors: PosiView
  • QGIS plugin for easy handling of placemarkers


2024 FS M.S. Me­ri­an, MSM 127/​1 Canary Islands
2023 FS Me­te­or, M192-1 Greece
2022 FS M.S. Me­ri­an, MS­M109 Spitsbergen
2022 FS Heincke HE590 Baltic Sea
2018 FS Meteor M146 Canary Islands
2017 FS Meteor M142/1 Danube fans
2016 FS Heincke HE475 North Sea
2016 FS Poseidon PO500 Mediterranean Sea off Nice
2016 FS Poseidon PO499 Sicily, Calabrian Arc
2015 FS Meteor Gulf of Mexico
2014 FS Meteor Sicily, Calabrian Arc
2013 FS Poseidon Eastern Mediterranean, Anaximander Seamount
2013 Geoboot Lac de Neufchâtel
2012 RV OR5 1209 Taiwan
2012 FS Sonne SO219A Japan
2011 FS Meteor M84/2a Eastern Black Sea
2010 FS Sonne SO211 Chile
2010 FS Poseidon PO402 Middle-Atlantic Ridge, Azores
2010 FS M.S. Merian, MSM15/2 Black Sea
2009 FS M.S. Merian, MSM13/4 Eastern Mediterranean Sea
2009 FS Meteor, M78/3b Continental margin Uruguay and Argentina
2008 FS Meteor, M76/3a Kongo Swath
2008 FS Meteor, M76/1a Southwest Africa
2007 FS Poseidon, PO361 Toulon, westliches Mittelmeer
2007 FS Heincke, HE277 Helgoland
2007 Suroit Toulon, western Mediterranean Sea
2007 FS M.S. Merian, MSM04/4a Northwest Africa
2006 FS Meteor, M70/3 Eastern Mediterranean
2006 FS Meteor, M70/1 Malta - Heraklion
2006 FS Heincke, HE254 Kattegat
2006 FS Heincke, HE250 Helgoland
2006 FS Meteor, M68/2a Gulf of Mexico
2005 FS Alkor North Sea
2005 FS Meteor, M65/3 Northwest Africa
2004 FS Poseidon, PO317 Black Sea
2004 FS Gauss Skagerrak
2004 FS Poseidon, PO310 Canary Islands, Northwest Africa
2004 FS Meteor, M60/3 Middle-Atlantic Ridge, Logatchev Field
2003 FS Meteor, M58/3 Canary Islands, Azores