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In Memoriam

Jan 12, 2019
Uwe Rosiak. Photo: MARUM - Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen; T. Klein
Uwe Rosiak. Photo: MARUM - Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen; T. Klein

We mourn the death of Uwe Rosiak, who died on 6 January at the age of 61 after a brief but serious illness. We are grateful for almost three decades of his faithful and friendly service.

Uwe Rosiak played an important role in the development of underwater technology, initially at the Department of Geosciences and later at MARUM. After his training as a lathe operator at Lloyd Dynamowerken, he first worked for RF Forschungsschifffahrt as a seaman, then joined MARUM as a technician in 1991. He took part in numerous expeditions, during which his colleagues could always count on his experience as a deck and equipment fitter, and benefitted from his innovative ideas and ingenuity. His knack of finding a solution to any problem was greatly valued by everyone.

In particular, his humor, which could be dry at times, his dedication, and his readiness to help in the workshop as well as on research expeditions, will always be remembered by his colleagues. We miss him very much and will preserve his memory sincerely in our hearts.