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HEINCKE Cruise 459

North Sea

Bremerhaven - Bremerhaven (28.03.2016 - 04.04.2016)

Areas of intense gas emissions are known in the Netherlands sector of the North Sea, which will be in focus of the HEINCKE Cruise HE459. RV HEINCKE is equipped with different echosounders (KONGSBERG EM710 & EK60) that we use to detect, map and quantify these gas emissions. Gas bubbles emanating from the seafloor through the water column can be visualized by echosounders and called flares due to their appearance in echograms. During the cruise, we plan to test and improve a flare detection algorithm that has been developed within the the BMWi funded project IMGAM “Intelligentes Monitoring von klimaschädlichen CO2/CH4 Gasaustritten im Meer”.
Additional sampling will focus on the water column and shallow sediments in the seep area. Water column sampling with a 1) CTD/ rosette sampler and 2) Bottom water sampler will be done to assess the concentrations of dissolved methane in the vicinity of the gas bubble emissions. Further deployments of a mini-corer allow sampling the porewater and analyse the microbial communities.

Work area during HE459 in the Netherlands sector in the North Sea. Station work will be conducted in the area characterized by natural gas emissions (red area in inlet).

Chief scientist:

Dr. Miriam Römer
Phone: +49 421 218 - 65059
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