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Geosystem Modeling

Completed collaborative Projects

PRIDE (Drivers of Pontocaspian Biodiversity Rise & Demise: An EU Horizon-2020 Innovative Training Network)

In this EU-funded Graduate Program we are studying the effects of global climate change on the regions around the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea.

INTERDYNAMIC (DFG Priority Programme 1266: Integrated Analysis of Interglacial Climate Dynamics; 2007-2013)

The main focus of this priority program was to improve the understanding of climate dynamics by means of quantitative studies of the paleoclimate. For this purpose, all available paleoclimate archives (terrestrial and marine as well as ice cores) were linked in an integrative approach in order to achieve the most comprehensive and quantitative analysis of global environmental variations possible. In addition, a close interlocking of paleoclimatic reconstructions with results from earth system modeling was attempted. Book.

Europrox (Proxies in Earth History; 2006-2012)

This international DFG Research Training Group had the aim to develop and improve methods for the reconstruction of past climate conditions. In this context we extended climate models in a way that geological parameters (proxies) can be modeled directly.

CARIMA (Natural versus anthropogenic controls of past monsoon variability in Central Asia recorded in marine archives; 2011-2014)

The aim of this BMBF Collaborative Project was to obtain a better understanding of the monsoon dynamics on socially relevant time scales. For this purpose, high-resolution marine climate archives and new climate indicators were used in conjunction with climate modeling. The investigations focused on the South China Sea and neighboring monsoon areas.

Past4Future (Climate change - Learning from the past climate; 2010-2014)

Global climate models were used for warm periods in the geological past to test their reliability by means of reconstructed climatic conditions. The project was funded by the EU.