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Welcome to the Geodynamics group

The main purpose of our research is to understand the dynamics of the lithosphere/asthenosphere system in a variety of tectonic environments and how other more superficial processes such as sedimentation influence them. In particular, we strongly focus on understanding the tectonic evolution and dynamics of passive rifted margins and how the formation of oceanic crust starts. We link onshore and offshore observations of the crustal and lithospheric structure of these margins, with their tectonic plate context to answer questions regarding their tectonic structure, history of faulting, subsidence and heat flow and their potential for natural resources. We are also focusing in understanding the relationship between tectonism, hydrothermal circulation, element exchange during water-rock reactions and its implication for the deep biosphere.

Cartoon showing main areas and processes of research of the Geodynamics group.
Cartoon showing main areas and processes of research of the Geodynamics group.

Below you can see some of the examples of the work done in the research group: a) Coupled modelling of sedimentation and deformation during continental extension at passive margins (Andrés-Martínez et al., 2019), b) coupled modelling of deformation, serpentinisation and melting during continental extension at passive margins (Ros et al., G-cubed, 2017), and c) pre-stack depth migrated line of the West Iberia-Newfoundland margin, showing the spatial relationship between main margin forming faults and the exposed mantle oceanward of them (Ranero and Pérez-Gussinyé, Nature, 2010)