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GeoGenetics Symposium in Bremen

Feb 9, 2023
The international working group used the exchange at a scientific symposium in Bremen to promote joint work. Photo: MARUM - Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen; R. Morard
The international working group used the exchange at a scientific symposium in Bremen to promote joint work. Photo: MARUM – Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen; R. Morard

Genetics, geology, and archaeology are the topics of more than 80 researchers who met in Bremen this week. In addition to scientists from the GeoGenetics Center at the University of Copenhagen, from the University of Cambridge, and guests from Canada, researchers from MARUM are also participating. Prof. Eske Willerslev, head of the international working group, and his colleagues used the exchange at a scientific symposium in Bremen to promote joint work. The last day of the symposium took place at MARUM, where various work areas presented themselves during guided tours and lectures.


As one of a total of three Excellence Chairs at the Cluster of Excellence "Ocean Floor", which is based at MARUM, Eske Willerslev is developing new approaches with MARUM researchers on how to use ancient DNA from marine sediments to decipher the response of marine ecosystems to climate change in the past.

More information on the "Ocean Floor" cluster's excellence chairs