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Export control

In order to prevent the uncontrolled transfer of goods (delivery of goods, technology or software) with dual use, also known as dual-use goods, and to implement the legal requirements of foreign trade, export controls must be carried out and, if necessary, a licence must be applied for from the Federal Office of Economics and Export Control (BAFA).

In addition, the sanctions and embargo lists of the Federal Republic of Germany and the European Union must be observed.

For the shipment of expedition equipment, the following checks, for example, must be carried out prior to shipment:

Sanctions list check: Is the recipient (agent, scientific partner, etc.) on a sanctions list?

Embargo check: Is the recipient country on an embargo list?

Verification of intended use: For what purpose is the equipment to be used? Will it be used by third parties?

Goods list check: Does the expedition equipment contain goods that are listed in the Annex to the EC Dual-Use Regulation or in the national export list of the Foreign Trade and Payments Regulation.

The check must be carried out in good time in advance, as any application that may be required and the issuing of an export licence by the Federal Office of Economics and Export Control (BAFA) can take up to 3 months.

The application to BAFA may only be made by the Export Control Officers Marco Klann or Götz Ruhland.
