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Organic matter Preservation and Transformation

Palynomorphs and lipids are widely used as proxies for environmental reconstruction. Although it is often assumed that all palynomorphs and lipids preserve equally well under all circumstances, unfortunately, this assumption, can only be made in special cases. This project tries to quantify taxon and compound-specific degradation rates in different preservational environments. This enables correction of the preservational bias, which in turn provides the basis for reconstructing palaeoproductivity and bottom-water oxygenation.

Combined palynological and organic geochemical analyses on selective preservation have been carried out for:

1. The last 9500 years in the Eastern Mediterranean, an interval including the anoxic event resulting in the S1 sapropel.

2. Along meter-scale seep transects in within and outside the Indian Ocean oxygen minimum zone along the Pakistan margin.

3. Through exposing sediments to oxic and anoxic waters through incubation experiments on moorings.

Fig. 1. Incubation experiments on moorings. From left to right: dialysis bags with sediment sample; samples in sample container; mooring with samples in the orange sample container.


Bogus, K. A. Zonneveld, K. A. F. Fischer, D. Kasten, S. Bohrmann, G. and Versteegh, G. J. M., 2012. The effect of meter-scale lateral oxygen gradients at the sediment-water interface on selected organic matter based alteration, productivity and temperature proxies. Biogeosciences 9, 1553-570.

Kim, J. H. Huguet, C. Zonneveld, K. A. F. Versteegh, G. J. M. Sinninghe Damsté, J. S. and Schouten, S., 2009. Stability of the TEX86 and UK'37 temperature proxies upon a one year field incubation experiment. Organic Geochemistry 73, 2888-2898.

Versteegh, G. J. M. and Zonneveld, K. A. F., 2002. Use of selective degradation to separate preservation from productivity. Geology 30, 615-618.

Versteegh, G. J. M. Zonneveld, K. A. F. and de Lange, G. J., 2010. Selective aerobic and anaerobic degradation of lipids and palynomorphs in the Eastern Mediterranean since the onset of sapropel S1 deposition. Marine Geology 278, 177-192.

Zonneveld, K. A. F. Versteegh, G. J. M. and Kodrans-Nsiah, M., 2008. Preservation and organic chemistry of Late Cenozoic organic-walled dinoflagellate cysts: A review. Marine Micropaleontology 86, 179-197.

Zonneveld, K. A. F. Versteegh, G. J. M. Kasten, S. Eglinton, T. I. Emeis, K. C. Huguet, C. Koch, B. P. de Lange, G. J. de Leeuw, J. W. Middelburg, J. J. Mollenhauer, G. Prahl, F. G. Rethemeyer, J. and Wakeham, S. G., 2010. Selective preservation of organic matter in marine sediments - processes and impact on the fossil record. Biogeosciences 7, 483-511.