Welcome to the website for the working group "Experimental Geomechanics"

We are funded by the European Research Council (ERC) via Starting Grant for the project PREDATORS (Plate-rate experimental deformation: Aseismic, transient or seismic fault slip)

We use labor­at­ory de­form­a­tion ex­per­i­ments to un­der­stand the nature of fault slip, spe­cific­ally why stable aseis­mic creep, de­struct­ive large mag­nitude earth­quakes, or in­ter­me­di­ate slow slip events oc­cur. We com­bine our mech­an­ical data with other tech­niques, such as mi­cro­struc­tural and com­pos­i­tional ob­ser­va­tions, for a more com­plete pic­ture. We make heavy use of In­ter­na­tional Ocean Dis­cov­ery Pro­gram (IODP) and In­ter­na­tional Con­tin­ental sci­entific Drilling Pro­gram (ICDP) samples from nat­ural faults; ex­amples in­clude the Nankai Trough and To­hoku (Ja­pan), Costa Rica, Cas­ca­dia, and Hikur­angi sub­duc­tion zones, as well as the San An­dreas Fault (Cali­for­nia) and Alpine Fault (New Zea­l­and).


European Research Council ERC

Marum Graduate School GLOMAR