Expedition for the maintenance of the OOI observatory

Aug 12, 2022
The observatory off the USA west coast. Photo: OOI / UW / ROPOS / NSF
The observatory off the USA west coast. Photo: OOI / UW / ROPOS / NSF

The VISIONS 22 expedition with MARUM involvement with the Research Vessel THOMAS G THOMPSON (TN407) is underway to conduct maintenance and repairs on the American observatory of the Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI) This year, the work at the seafloor is conducted by the Canadian remotely operated vehicle (ROV) ROPOS. 


After a monitoring interruption caused by a technical failure of one of the primary nodes of the observatory, power and communication to Southern Hydrate Ridge, the section of the observatory where the MARUM monitoring instruments are installed, was successfully restored yesterday during the first leg of the expedition.

Eberhard Kopiske from MARUM – Center for Marine Environmental Sciences at the University of Bremen will join Leg 2 to conduct maintenance and swap some of the MARUM instruments. Leg 2 will start from Newport Oregon (USA) on August 18 and return to Newport on August 23.

The dive videos from the ROV ROPOS can be viewed live on the cruise website.

Designed and constructed at MARUM – Center for Marine Environmental Sciences at the University of Bremen, the sonar instruments will allow scientists to monitor in real-time and over several years the natural release of methane from the seafloor in one of the most active methane seepage areas of the Cascadia margin, northeast Pacific.